
2023-04-29 13:36:13   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《元宵节英语日记带翻译》,欢迎阅读!


turned out to be nearby someone guess riddles. I also want to guess

In the firecrackers, ushered in the traditional festival - the in the past, but we had too many people, formed a

Lantern Festival in China.The Lantern Festival, of course, in the “person “ wall, enclosed as the stage of guess riddles. I stand morning should eat a bowl of steaming hot dumplings. Dumplings made outside the

with sticky dough rub, powder white, thin, on the pot steamed for a while. Cooked dumplings, like a lovely baby. A bite, very hot hot black sesame roll like water flowing into the lungs and mouth is filled with thick sesame flavor, emotions and thoughts on the tip of the tongue with that kind of sweet honey and taste, represents a HeHeMuMu life.In the evening, I go play outside, streets are decorated, the most beautiful is the moat. City moat lights, thronged. I wander in the light of the world, watch carefully, lifelike gold fish lamp, image lifelike lotus lamp, of primitive simplicity and elegant palace lantern, all kinds of lights elegant, exquisite decoration, fine workmanship, really make a person dazzling, breathtaking. In a calm river, which reflects the light shadow, as if under the river also lit a lamp. There was a slight breeze, surface ripples, light shadow followed the wobbly. “Good! “ Attracted by a burst of cheers me,

‘people ‘ wall, listening to the sounds of laughter from inside. The host began to say lantern riddle:

“a man a mouth (guess a word). “ I thought to myself: what is that? I ‘m thinking of, an old man raised his hand, replied: “is a

‘or ‘ word. “ The host and smiling said:

“congratulations to you, right. “ The words sound just fell and around there was a thunderous applause. The Lantern Festival, the boisterous festival, in the laughter of people in the end.在爆竹声中,迎来了我国的传统节日 —元宵节。元宵节,早晨起床当然应该吃一碗热气腾腾的汤圆。汤圆用黏黏的面团搓成,有大有小,有粉有白,放在锅里蒸上一会儿。煮好的汤圆,像一个个可爱的胖娃娃。咬一口,烫烫的黑芝麻像流水般滚入心脾,嘴巴里充满了浓浓的芝麻味,舌尖上留着那种甜蜜蜜的情思和味道,代表着一家和和睦睦的生活。晚上,我到外边去玩,大街小

巷都张灯结彩,最美的还要数护城河边了。护城河边灯光辉煌,人声鼎沸。我漫游在这灯的世界,细细观赏,栩栩如生的金鱼灯,形象逼真的莲花灯,古朴典雅的宫灯 —各式各样的彩灯造型优美,装饰考究,做工精细,真让人眼花缭乱,美不胜收。在平静的河面上,映照出了灯的影子,好像河的底下也点着一盏似的。一阵微风拂过,河面上微波荡漾,灯的影子也跟着摇摇晃晃了。 “好! ”一阵喝彩声吸引住了我,原来是不远处有人在猜灯谜。我也想过去猜猜,可无奈人太多,形成了一堵 ‘人 ’墙,把猜灯谜的舞台围得水泄不通。我站在 ‘人 ’墙外,听着里面传来的阵阵欢笑声。主持开始说灯谜了: “一人一张嘴(猜一字) ”我心想:那是什么呢?我正想着,一位老爷爷举起了手,回答道: “是个 ‘合 ’字。 主持人笑眯眯地说: “恭喜您,答对了。 ”话音刚落,周围就响起了一阵雷鸣般的掌声。 元宵节,这个热闹非凡的节日,在人们的欢笑声中结束。

