APS 专业审核 Non profit organzation 非政府组织

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Non-profit organization


1. The organization does not intend to make a profit. Nonprofit groups have no shareholders; do not

distribute profits.

2. Nonprofit organizations are institutions that conduct their affairs for the purpose of assisting other

individuals, groups rather than garnering profits for themselves.

3. and (often) receive exemption from various taxes in recognition of their contributions to bettering the

public benefit.

特点: Salomon

1. 正规性 organizedFormal organization. legal personality 法人资格1temporary or informal 2. 民间性privateit doesn’t belong to government 3. 非营利性 nonprofit distributing

不以盈利为目的(可以产生利润,有用于目的) 成员不享有分配利润的权利be entitled to the right

4. 自治性self-governinginternal rules and process. It follows rule by law, 不受其他团体的控制 5. 志愿性voluntary


资源来自捐赠 financial or material resource come from donation

6. 公益性 public benefit. Offer the service to the public or make a contribution on society. 7. 政治Don't seek political interests 8. 宗教


The European communities general industrial classification of economic activities


1) Education High, primary and secondary, vocational training, nursing education


2) Research and developmentResearch instituteMax Planck Institute 研究与开发 3) The medical and healthHospital, clinic, medical institutions, animal clinic


4) Public service: social work, charity organization, employee or union, academic institute


5) Entertainment and cultureLibrary, museum, zoo, sports organizations.


举例Red CrossGreenpeace InternationalNational Olympic Committee 问题:中国

1) 法律不完善,登记条件苛刻 2) 资金严重不足

3) 活动能力,管理能力,创新能力,可持续发展能力不足 民主程度较低 4) 依附政府 业务主管部门的任命 独立性问题——任免权



1) 家长式作风,非民主,


2) amateurism

[,æmətʒɪzəm] 3) 慈善的特殊主义

Registerhas a legal name and has certain rights, protections, privileges, responsibilities in law, similar to those of a natural person. 2

http://www.answers.com/topic/nonprofit backup资源丰富

3 Paternalistic is behavior, by a person, organization or state, which limits some person or group's liberty or autonomy for their own good.


1. Market failures3 are often associated with 经济

non-competitive markets

1) No everyone is "price taker". There is monopoly4 or oligopoly5.

The market mechanism can't solve the problem of fairness.

2) Externalities - costs or benefits of an activity have effect on third parties. 3) Public goods: 环境保护,灯塔lighthouse,路灯street lamp

Free rider

Non-rivalry: A non-rival good is a good whose consumption by one consumer cannot prevents at

the same time consumption by other consumers.

Non-excludability: it is impossible to exclude any individuals from consuming the good.

4) Non rational Preferences, different choice

Government failure:

occurs when government intervention causes a more inefficient allocation of goods and resources than would occur without that intervention. Inefficient: lack of competition

1) lack of motivation to improve his working quality and efficiency

2) supply sidelack of motivation to consider cost offer more public goods than needed Huge waste of social resources

3) demand sidePublic goods or service cannot cover requirements of all of people. The outcome of the vote on behalf of the only some voters. NPO offer some public goods to some special group with relative more requirement to cover the shortage. 例子:National Cancer Society is supported by donation from privates and research for cancer. Patient with cancer can get potential benefit from this institution. Rent seeking or Corruption:

Rent-seeking is an attempt to obtain economic rent by manipulating the social or political environment rather than by creating new wealth. Rent-seeking is the use of social institutions such as the power of government to redistribute wealth among different groups without creating new wealth.

In many market-driven economies, much of the competition for rents is legal, regardless of harm it may do to an economy. However, some rent-seeking competition is illegal such as bribery ['braɪbəri], corruption, smuggling6, and even black market deals.

The effects of rent-seeking are reduced economic efficiency through poor allocation of resources, reduced wealth creation, lost government revenue, increased income inequality.

Nonprofit organization can cover partical supply shortage caused by government. It can offer more variour goods or service。提供更多的服务,公共产品,满足多元化需求diversified demand。关注社会问题(环境污染,动物



Monopoly: exists when a specific person or enterprise is the only supplier of a particular commodity.

Monopolies are thus characterized by a lack of economic competition to produce the good or service and a lack of viable substitute goods. 5

Oligopoly is a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers (oligopolists). Oligopolies can result from various forms of collusion which reduce competition and lead to higher prices for consumers.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oligopoly 6

n. 走私v. 走私 偷运

