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外研版(一起)一年级英语下册教案 Module 3 Unit 1 This is her bag.
Title Aims
NSE Book 2 Module 3 Unit1
感知认识bag、coat、nurse、dress、driver、bus等单词。 能够运用his、her、their来谈论物品的所属关系。 能简单的运用英语表示物品的所属关系。 ⅰ his与her的区分与运用。
ⅱ 谈论物品的所属关系。 录音机,单词卡片 Teacher’s Activity 一、Warming up and revision 二、Leading –in
Students’ Activity Sing a song.
Focus Aids
Teaching the students that we use the Listen to the teacher possessive adjective ‘his’when we are referring to an object that belongs to a male.
三、Listening and reading 1. Play the tape. 2. Replay
Teaching Progress
3. Replay
Listen to the tape. Open their books,listen and point。
Girls listen and point,
4. Write the words“his、her、their”boys check the answer. on the board and give some examples. Then change.
5.Show the pictures of nurse、driver、Say the sentences in bus、dress…
四、Further Activities(part3)
pare 2 or more.
Move around the class,pick up objects 5. Read the pictures and say‘This is her school bag’or loudly ‘This is his book’and so on.. 五、Homework
Do the activity book in page 11.
Practice the sentences in pairs.
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