【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《社会学理论课程介绍》,欢迎阅读!

Sociological Theory (社会学理论下)
This is a one semester course. Last semester dealt mainly with classical social theories, this semester will cover various contemporary ones. Due to a falling short of the expected progress from last semester, this one will begin with where we left off last semester, proceeded by what’s already in store for this semester.
本学期讨论到的当代社会学理论家有习惯被称为「结构功能学派(或理论)」的帕深思和莫顿;被称为「冲突学派(或理论)」的柯塞和达伦道夫、被称为「社会交换学派(或理论)」的布劳、霍门史和爱默森;被称为「符象互动学派(或理论)」的米德、布鲁默和库恩;被称为「现象学派(或理论)」的舒兹;被称为「俗民方法学派(或理论)」的葛芬柯;被称为「戏剧学派(或理论)」的高夫曼;被统称为「新(或西方)马克思主义学派(或理论)」的葛兰西、卢卡奇和阿图塞;被称为「法兰克福学派(或批判理论)」的霍克海默、阿多诺和哈伯玛斯;以及几位在一九八零年代影响力大的欧洲社会学家布赫迪厄、纪登斯、爱里亚斯和陆曼。 The contemporary social theorists covered in this semester include: Parsons and
Merton, customarily branded structural functionalism; Coser and Dahrendorf, known as conflict theory, Blau, Homans and Emerson, labeled as social exchange theory; Mead, Blumner and Khun, identified as symbolic interactionism; Schultz, labeled as phenomenology; Garfinkel, known for his ethnomethodology; Erving Goffman, of dramaturgical theory fame; Gramsci, Luckacs and Althusser, collectively known as neo-Marxism; Horkheimer, Adorno and Habermas, labeled as Frankfurt school; and several prominent European sociologists of the 1980s, Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, Elias and Luhmann.
American sociological theories and European trends of thinking (e.g. Western
Marxism, Frankfurt school and the eminent European sociologists of today) comprise the body of this semester. Due to the breadth of people and ideas and the
implausibility of allotting extensive treatment for each topic, the degree of elaboration will inevitably vary. Therefore apart from lectures, the student is encouraged to seek additional reading material for the purpose of achieving broader understanding of the given subject. The class will focus on the social theorists and theories which the instructor is better versed in. Regarding the social theorists addressed less frequently in the class, students need only read autonomously to achieve superior sense than the instructor.
Many social theorists will be discussed during the course of this semester. There are many professors who are school-oriented, covering several theorists’ similar views according their respective schools. Due to my belief that each and every social theorist possesses unique attributes, which renders “schooling” an inappropriate means of confinement, the class is consistent with last semester’s fourfold method of centering on the individual sociologist, and from his/her life’s work, progression of thought, and sequence of works come to grips with the essence of the sociologist. However, the problem of contemporary theorists’ sequence of works pales under their classical counterparts, for this reason much of it is curtailed.
In accordance with the previous semester, no textbook is assigned for this course, which is based on my lecture notes. Nevertheless, students ought to develop the habit of independently seeking relevant non-class reading or internet material to magnify the upshots of learning.