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猜谜语的英文 do puzzles; guess riddle
do puzzles例句 1. do you enjoy word puzzles? 你喜欢字谜游戏吗?
2. oh, i give up! i can never do these stupid puzzles! 哦, 我不抱任何希望! 我永远无法猜出这些无聊的谜! 3. mike prides himself on his ability to do crossword puzzles.
4. in retaliation you have me, circling the puzzles, you know i absolutely do not disassemble.
为了报复你中有我, 围绕着拼图, 你知道我绝对不拆开. 5. do you like my puzzles? yes , i do. i like david's puppets, too.
你喜欢我的拼图 吗 ?是的, 我也喜欢david(戴维/大卫)的木偶.
guess riddle造句 1. can you guess the answer to this riddle?
你能猜出这个谜 吗 ?
2. who can help me to guess the riddle?
3. a riddle about a character or word: boat dwellers guess a character!
一条字谜: 水上人家——猜一个字!
4. tell a riddle and let everyone guess the answer. 出一个谜语,让所有加入者猜.
5. ask pupils to guess the fruit by giving the riddle. 通过猜谜游戏引出新单词,激发学生的学习兴趣. 6. teacher a riddle. guess. what is it? 教师讲谜语,启发学生猜谜语, 猜对的学生给予奖励. 7. the second riddle is, i guess by the. 第二个谜语又是被我猜中的.
8. they claim to talk like needle, intelligent, only they can guess the riddle.
他们声称自己天资聪明, 心细如针, 只有他们才能猜出谜语.