初中英语--slow的反义词是什么,slow up和slow down是反义词吗

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slow的反义词是什么,slow upslow down是反义词吗


1. 请先观察以下短语,这几组短语至少在表示某一意思时它们是反义词: (1) up down 是一对反义词,前者表示“向上”,后者表示“向下”。如: He continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football match. 他不停地上蹿下跳,活像个足球赛中的男孩。

Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right. 飞机可以通过上下升降和左右移动改变航线来避免相撞。

(2) upstairs downstairs是一对反义词,前者表示“楼上”,后者表示“楼下”。如:

The bedrooms are upstairs and the dining-room is downstairs. 寝室在楼上,餐厅在楼下。

(3) go up go down 是一对反义词,前者表示“上升”,后者表示“下降”。如: The incomes of skilled workers went up. Meanwhile, unskilled workers saw their earnings go down. 熟练工的收入上升了,而与此同时,不熟练工发现他们的收入下降了。 (4) turn up turn down 是一对反义词,前者表示“开大音量”,后者表示“关小音量”。如:

The baby fell asleep, so I asked him to turn the TV down, but a few minutes later he turned it up again. 宝宝睡着了,所以我叫他把电视机音量调小些,但是没过几分钟他又把音量调大了。

▲请从所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案填空: slow up slow down 是一对 ________

A. 同义词 B. 反义词 C. 无关词 D. 互补词

【测试结果】如果你选择的答案是“反义词”,你就错了,正确答案是填“同义词”。尽管updown是一对反义词,并且确实也有不少含有updown的短语也是反义词,但是,slow upslow down却是一对同义词。 二、相关词和短语的用法说明

slow upslow down均表示“变缓”“变慢”“减速”等,从使用的广泛性来看,slow downslow up用得更多、更广泛。两者的具体用法如下: 1. 表示“(使)慢下来”“(使)减速”


(1) slow down的用例:

I put on the brakes and slowed the car down. 我踩下刹车降低车速。 The train slowed down as it went around the bend. 火车在转弯处减速了。 She slowed down her pace so I could keep up with her. 她放慢脚步好让我跟上她。 The train slowed down to a crawl as it approached the station. 火车进站时慢了下来。

You see drivers speeding up when they should be slowing down. 你可以看到有些司机在应该减速时却加速。 (2) slow up的用例:

The bus slowed up as it approached the junction. 公共汽车在驶近交叉路口时放慢了速度。

The roadworks are slowing the traffic up in the mornings. 道路施工使早上的交通迟缓下来。

2. 表示“(使某人)松弛”“(使发展)减缓” (1) slow down的用例:

The economy has slowed down. 经济放缓了。

He looks ill, and he should slow down. 他看上去不太舒服,应该放松一下。 (2) slow up的用例:

Output has slowed (up) a little. 生产已放慢了一点。

They claim they can slow up the ageing process. 他们声称能够减缓老化的速度。 三、用法联想与拓展

slow downslow up用法类似的还有close upclose down。但close upclose down在表示“关闭”时,只是意义相近,并不完全相同:close down表示公司或商店等永久性关闭(即“倒闭”close up则表示公司或商店等临时性关闭(如“歇业”“打烊”如:

The factory closed down ten years ago. 这家工厂10 年前就倒闭了。 All the shops had closed up for the night. 深夜所有的商店都已经打烊了。


