人教新课标 英语必修二 重点句型及短语翻译带答案

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Book 2 unit 1

1. 学生们正在用五颜六色的气球装饰他们的教室。

The students are decorating their classroom with colorful balls. 2. 被认为是世界奇观之一的琥珀屋至今还没有找到。

The Amber Room, which is considered as one of the wonders of the world, still isnt found. 3. Nazis 偷了的琥珀屋后来发生了什么事仍是一个迷。

What happened to the Amber Room which was stolen by Nazis remains a mystery. 4. 科学家们正在寻找一种新元素(element) The scientists are in search of a new element. 5. 琥珀屋属于世界奇观。

The Amber Room belongs to the wonders.

6. 政府对他为教育事业所作出的奉献评价很高。

The government thinks highly of his devotion to education. 7. 这种玩具是为3岁儿童设计 The toy is designed for children at 3. 8. 她怀疑这个故事是否真实。

She doubted whether the story was true

9. 这两个国家处于交战状态很多年了,人们遭受很多了苦难(suffer

The two countries have been at war for many years. People there are suffering a lot.

=The two countries have been at war for many years, where people have been suffering a lot. 10.你知道那个用琥珀做成的屋子吗?

Do you know the room which is made of amber?


Xi’an is one of the few cities whose city walls remain as good as before. 12那些想去参观琥珀屋的人请把名字写下来。 Those who want to go there please write down names.


Even with the help of the expert, we couldnt finish in less than three days. 14.我借给你也行,但有个条件,作为回报你得把你的自行车借给我 I will lend it to you on condition that you lend me your bike in return. 15.男孩把玩具车拆开了,可怎么也安不上了。

The boy took apart the toy car, but couldnt put it together again.

Book 2 unit 2


He comes to see his parents every three days.

2. 我对你今天所做的很满意但我过去认为你是一个懒惰的孩子。(be satisfied with) I am satisfied with what you have done today but I used to think that you were a lazy boy. 3. 只有那些达到了奥运标准的国家才可以申请举办奥运会。

Only those who have achieved the Olympic standards can be admitted to bid for the Olympic Games.

4. 那就是我为什么要来这里的原因。 That's why I came here

5. 他不知道现在该做什么,我也不知道

He does not know what to do now, neither/nor do I. 6. 不仅你而且他也要为此事负责任。 Not only you but also he is responsible for it.

Book 2 unit3

1. 他跑得太快,我赶不上他.

He runs so fast that I cant catch up with him. 2. 他们无共同之处.

They have nothing in common. 3. 你将怎样处理这场车祸?

How will you deal with the accident?

4.在某种程度上,这项工作算做得不错。 In a way, the work is well done.


With the help of his teammate, finally he solved the difficult problem. 6. 和许多人一样,他喜欢流行音乐,而不喜欢古典音乐

In common with many people, he prefers pop music to classical music. 7. 村民们仍然遵从他们祖先的习俗.

The villagers still follow the customs of their grandfathers. 8.她不像人们想的那样头脑简单。

She wasnt as simple-minded as people thought.

Book 2 unit 4

1. 多么糟糕的一天。

What a bad day.

2. 那个父母去了香港的孩子目前由王小姐照顾。

The boy, whose parents went to Hong Kong, is being taken care of by Miss Wang. 3. 人们所做的事情表明大家都意识到了保护濒危动物的重要性。

What people have done shows that they have realized the importance of protecting endangered animals.


Please let these animals which are in danger of dying out live in peace. 5.被解救出来之后,他松了一口气,突然大哭了起来。

After being saved, he burst into tears/burst out crying in relief.

Book 2 unit 5

1. 当她年轻的时候,她总是梦想着站在舞台上唱歌,成千上万的人为她鼓掌。

When she was young, she always dreamt of standing on the stage and singing, with thousands of people applauding/ clapping for her.

2. 结果, 他养成了周末去打猎的习惯。

As a result, he forms the habit of hunting on weekends. 3.没有人喜欢被别人戏弄。

No one likes to be played jokes on by others.

