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英语经典简短笑话大全 英语经典简短笑话篇一 调位 The assistant curator of the museum came to the head curator with a couple of problems.”Sir, the mummy is damp and getting moldy, and the white mouse in the maze exhibit has developed dry skin.” 博物馆馆长助理找到馆长反映了一个问题:“先生,木乃伊现已受潮开 始发霉了,但在迷宫中展览的小白鼠的皮肤变得越来越干澡。The head, curator thought a minutethen advised, “Put your mummy where your mouse is.” 馆长听后,想了一会儿,:“把木乃伊放到白鼠那儿去吧。英语经典简短笑话篇二 吹牛 Three famous surgeons were bragging about their skills. “A man came to me who had his hand cut off“said one. "Today that man is a concert violinist." 三名著名的外科医生在吹嘘着各自的高超医术。其中一个说:“有个人 切断了一只手,他来找我治疗,如今,他已成为音乐会的小提琴手。” That"s nothing." said another.“A guy came to me who had his legs cut off. I stitched them back onand today that man is a marathon runner." “那有什么,一个不服,有个家伙的两条腿全断了,我给他接上 了。现在这家伙是马拉松运动员。” "I can top both of you"said the third. "One day I came on the scene of a terrible accident. ,There was nothing left but a horse"s posterior---and a pair of glasses. Today that man is seated in the United States Senate. " “你们俩都比不上我。第三个人说,一天,我被叫到一起事故的现场。当时那儿什么都没留下,只有一个马屁股和一副眼镜。现在那个人就坐在 美国参议院中。英语经典简短笑话篇三 窍门 My mother and a group of her friends were discussing housecleaning. Mom, who dislikes the taskstated in a matter-of-fact way,”OhI"m giving it up. I"m going to let the dirt build

up. Then I"ll call the police report a burglary, and let them come and dust for fingerprints.” 妈妈和几个朋友在谈论打扫房于的事。妈妈不喜欢干这项工作她讲 出了一个可行的办法。噢,我现在已不干了,我让灰尘积攒下去,然后给警寨 局打个电话,就说我家丢了 东西。他们为了找指纹,就会把一切都打扫干净的。英语经典简短笑话篇 穿错了 I wanted to look especially nice when I valked my son to his first day of kindergartenso I took the liberty of borrowing an outfit from my youngermore fashionable sisterwho was staying with us at the time. We had agreed not to borrow from one another without askingbut she was asleepso I slipped some shorts and a shirt out of her drawer silentlyplanning to put them back before she woke up. 在陪儿子上幼儿园的第一天,我怒打扮一下自己。我打算从妹妹那儿 借身外衣,她年径而且时髦。妹妹和我们住在一起。我们有约在先,不经过对方 的同意不能拿别人的东西。但那时她仍在睡觉。于是,我从她的衣拒里轻径拿走 几条短裤和一件村衣,本想趁她没醒来时再放回去。

To my surprise .she was awake when I got back, but she didn"t mention the clothes. We chatted about Jason"s introduction to kindergarten. Finallyshe smiled and asked coolly"And how did Jason"s teacher like my pajamas" 让我吃惊的是,当我送儿子去幼儿园回来后,妹妹已经醒了。但她没 找衣服的事儿。我们聊了聊儿子吉森在幼儿园做自我介绍的情况。最后,妹妹笑着并不动声色地问:“森的老师觉得我的睡衣怎徉英语经典简短笑话篇五 规定 It was sunny and warm when our neighbor, Dannyleft home for his first day of school. He was the proud if reluctaut possessor of a new sport coat and tie since his school had a dress requirement. 今天是个晴天,天气暖和。我的邻居丹尼今天第一天上学。因为学校 在穿着上有所要求,丹尼只好穿上新运动衣,还戴上条有带。

At dismissal timeit was hot out. I could see Danny"s mom

