职业高中高考英语复习 基础模块上

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43:have a good time 101:more and more popular 349:point at 指向 玩的高兴,过的愉快 350:not…but 不是…而是 一、短语 越来越受欢迎 44:get along 进展 351:it's clear that 很明显 102:potato chips 炸薯条 45:telephone number 电话号103:have to 不得不 352:work on 操作 1:welcome to 欢迎 104:tell sb not to do sth 353:be late for 迟到

office 售票处 2:vocational school 职业学56:text message 手机短信 告诉某人不能做某事

57:on telephone 在电话中 cream 冰淇淋 354:have no idea 不知道

58:with best wishes致以美105:in fact 事实上 a pity! 真可惜!真遗憾 3:be glad to do 很高兴做

4:classroom building 教学 好的祝愿 106:be good for 对…有好处 355:a friend of mine 我的朋

5:many teachers' rooms 许多59:a gift from sb 来自…礼107: fast food 快餐

356:agree with 赞同 办公 107. junk food 垃圾食品

6:on the third floor 在三楼 60:by plane 乘飞机 108:a bowl of rice 一碗米饭 357:remind sb of sth

61:will you please do sth 109:make dumplings 包饺子 使某人回想起某物 7:a lot of 许多

请你…好吗 358: be full of 充满 8:next to 紧挨着 110:the kinds of 那几种

359:feel sorry for sb 为某9:let sb do sth 让某人做某62:at nine thirty 在九点半 111:order…from 向…订购

63:on time 准时 112:do me a favor 帮我一个人感到遗憾 64:in time 及时 360:expect sb to sth 期待某10:study hard 努力学习

人做某事 11:students' dormitory学生65:look forward to doing 113:lend sb a head 帮忙

sth 宿舍 114:take seats =take a seat361:give up doing sth 放弃 期盼做某事 做某事 room 阅览室 就座 66:no problem 没问题 362:(one's)the way to class 课后 115 because of 因为 67:don't worry 别担心 往…的路 12:look at 116:from…to 从…到 68:get up 起床 363:go on to do 继续做某事 for ..而感谢 117:in the fields 田野里

13:a picture of my family 69:have enough time to do 118:begin to sth 开始做某事 364:go on doing 继续做某事

sth 有充足的时间做某事 365:overcome difficulties 全家福 119:turn green 变绿

克服困难 14:retired worker 退休工人 70:leave for 动身前往 220:come out 生长

366:phD program 博士课程 15:be kind to 对…… 和蔼可71:play a computer game 221:plant trees 植树

online 222:cones after 在…之后到367:be active in doing 积极

做某事 16:help sb do sth 帮助某人 上网玩电脑游戏

72:in great joy 兴高采烈 223:this time of a year 368:be out of school 失学 做某事

17:enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某73:hurry to 匆忙去 224:go to the seaside 去海369:not …until 直到…才

75:two hours late 两小时后 wrong with …有毛病

76:get home 到家 370:take it easy 别着急。别18:live together with 225:on vacation 度假 77:talk with sb 与某人交谈 226:stay in 住在 紧张 和某人一起生活

371:help sb with sth 帮助某19:be popular with 受……欢78:be delighted to do sth 227:go swimming 去游泳

很高兴做某事 人做某事 228:watch TV 看电视 79: be busy with 忙于做 372:food for thought 有益的20:on the right 在右边 229:have seafood 吃海鲜

21:medical college 医学 matter what 无论什么 330:the harvest time 收获季教会

80:take a taxi 打车 373:a little boy with a bad 22:dream to be 梦想成真 81:here from 来这 temper 一个有坏脾气的男孩 23:on the right 在右边 331:get cooler 变冷 82:too…to太…而不能 the left 在左边 332:be happy with 因…而高374:have a fights with sb 83:be ashamed to do sth 和某人打架 24:be full of 充满 愧做某事 375:fight with sb 和某人打 pair of 一双 333:go skating 去滑冰

25:a letter to a friend 84:lookadj 看上去 334:go skiing 去滑雪

85:give sth to sb 给某人某335:be different from 与…376:lose one' temper发脾气 朋友一封信

377:keep one‘s temper 忍住26:greetings from 来自…… 不同

86:give sb sth 给某人某物 336:heavy rains 暴雨 脾气 问候

378:listen to 27:learn Chinese cooking 87:have breakfast 吃早餐 337:dark screen 黑屏

88:do morning exercises 338:get …into trouble 使…379:the number of …的数量 学习中餐烹饪

早餐 380:a number of 许多 28:get to 到达 陷入困境 89:like to do sth 喜欢做某29:at first 起初 339:have trouble(in)doing 381:less and less 越来越小

382:in the following days 30:follow sb 理解某人的话 做某事有困难

glass of 一杯 在随后的几天里 31:in class 在课上 340:be in trouble 处于困境 90:hot dog 热狗 383:be easier than 比…容易 32:feel nervous 感到紧张 341:wait for 等待

384:not at all 一点也不 33:show concern about 对…91:fried chicken 炸鸡 342:be down 死机

92:in the north of 在…的北343:allow sb do sth 允许某385:pull out 拔出 表示关心

385. be able to 能够 34:with the help of sb 人做某事

93:the most popular 最受欢344:be allowed to do sth386:take sb by the hand 在某人的帮助下

喜的 抓住某人的手 35:go well 进展顺利 允许做某事 94:on festivals 在节日里 36:have lessons =have 344. allow doing sth允许做387:lend…to 带领某人去某地

389:be the same as… 和…一classes上课 38:the skill 95:the Spring Festival 春节 某事

96:New Year's Day 新年 training center 345:look around 环顾四周 97:come back home 返回家 346:whether or not 是否 390:in anger 生气 技能训练中心

39:practice doing sth 练习98:get together 聚会 347:have on way to do没办391:even if 即使

99:by oneself 亲自 392:as…as 和…一样 做某事 法做 100:a way to save time 393:since then 自从那时起 40:after class 课后 348:find out 找出 节约时间的一种方法 394:get on well with sb 41:on weekends 在周末 business 办事,出差

与某人相处的融洽 42:go sightseeing 去观光

395:have trouble(in) doing 438:try?to?do?尽力做 13:She is a teacher at a 32:I had enough time to do 做某事有困难 439:just?as?正如? vocational school .她是职something before leaving 396:on purpose 有意, 故意440:the?old?saying?goes业中学的老师。 for the airport.动身前往机 俗话说 14:He is dreaming to be a 场之前我有足够的时间做点事 397:between…and 在两者之间 441:prepare?for?为…做准doctor. 33:I played a computer game

他梦想当一名医生。 398:with great joy 欣喜若狂 online with my e-pal. 15:My family is full of 399:be good at 擅长 442:sweep?out扫掉 我和网友玩起了网上计算机

400:be eager to do sth 渴望443:in?the?past?year在过love and warmth. 我的家充满戏。

了爱和温暖。 做某事 去的一年里 34I took a taxi to come 16:She is popular with her 401:as soon as possible 444:hang?up?挂起来 here from the airport.我打students.她受学生的欢迎。 快地 445:red?lanterns?红灯笼 车从机场来到这里 17:Thank you for your 402:give up 放弃 446:in?the?yard?在院子里 35:I was too ashamed to say concern about me. 感谢你403:keep on doing 继续做某447:on?both?sides?of?在…a word. 我羞愧的说不出一对我的关心。 的两边 句话来。 18:I'm here to learn 404:not…any more\no more 448:in need 在需求中 36:My grandpa was delighted Chinese cooking.我来这儿to see me. 我的爷爷很高兴不再 449:good?luck好运气

405:fall down 倒下 450:in?the?coming?year?学习中餐烹饪 看见我。

19:When I got to this 406:at the end of 在…结束/新的一年里 37:Here is a small gift for school, everything was 末端 451:as?for?谈到 you. strange to me.当我到这所学校407:look for 寻找 452:family?reunion?合家团这是给你的一件小礼物。 时,一切对我都是陌生的 408:come up 发生 38:It can tell you what the 20:At firstI couldn't 409:one of…其中之一 453:at?midnight?在午夜 time is follow the teacher in class of 考虑、想起 456:set?off?燃放。出发 .它能告诉你时间。 and I felt nervous . 410:such\so…that如此…以457:get?up?起床 38:No matter what to do 起初,课上我听不懂老师讲课just do it on time. 无论至于 458:dress?up打扮起来

411:not at all不是全部 459:show?respect?to?sb? 并感到紧张。 做什么都要准时。

21:Luckily,all the teachers 412:without stopping 没有停 向某人表示敬意? 39:People in different and students here are very 下来 460:wish?you?success?祝你成countries have their kind and friendly to me.

413:the Olympic Games different favorite food.


奥林匹克运动 461:be?successful?in在…成不同国家的人们喜欢不同的


414:the spirit of Marathon 食物

22:I'm glad to say that

马拉松精神 462:thank?to 多亏、由于 40:In the north of China,

with the help of the

415:keep fit 保持健康 463:thank?for?对…表示感谢 the most popular food is

teachers and my classmates,

416:take part in 参加 course 当然 dumplings.在中国的北方,最

everything is going well.

417:each other 互相 friends 交朋友 受欢迎的食物是饺子。


angry with 与…生气 二、句子 41:Ordering food from a


ready for…为…做好准备 1:Welcome to XH vocational restaurant is a way to save

23:In the afternoon, we

silent 保持沉默 school .欢迎来到新华职业time

sometimes go to the skill

the way 顺便问一下 中学。 从餐馆点餐是节约时间的一种

training center of our

on 意见一致 2:I'm very glad to meet you 方法

school to practice cooking

willing to 愿意,乐意 heretoday 非常高兴今天这42:Some kinds of American


418:a few of …有几个 里遇见你们。 food have now become more


419:close friends 亲密朋友 3:There are a lot of books and more popular in China.


a part in 在…中起作用 in it. 24:After class we have many 有些种类的美国食品现在在中421:be able to 能够 图书馆里有许多书。 国越来越受欢迎。 interesting activities. 422:share joys and sorrows 4:Do you see the red 课后我们我们有许多有趣的活43:They can play and eat with sb building next to the fast food there but we 动。 与某人同甘共苦 library have to tell our children 25:How are you getting

你看见挨着图书馆的那个红楼along 423:rely on 依赖 not to eat too much fast 424:be willing to do sth food. 你好吗

5:Here we are! 我们到了! 26:Konwledge is power 他们可以在那里玩也可以

425:lend a helping hand 6:How large it is ! 他是多吃,但是我们不得不告诉我们知识就是力量

么大! 出援手 27:practice makes perfect 的孩子不能吃太多的快餐。

426:on the playground 在操7:Thank you for your visit 孰能生巧 44:In fact ,it is not good

感谢您的参观。 场上 for your health to eat much 28:where there is a 8:See you next time.下次427:play chess with sb 与某will,there is a way 有志fast food.事实上,吃太多快见。 人下象棋 餐对你的健康不利 者,事竟成 9:This way please.这边请。 428:learn from 向…学习 45:What can I do for you 29:It's time to do=it's 10:Look at this 431:be?coming?即将到来 我能为你做点什么 time for st该做

432:would?like?to?do想要做picture,please. 46:Excuse me, would you 30: :Better late than never

请看这张相片。 某事 please do me a favor 迟到总比不做好 11:They are very kind to 433:go?back?home?返回家 打扰一下,你能帮我一个忙31:I was very glad to hear all of us. 434:on?the?first?day?of?a?ythis because I was looking 他们对我们非常和蔼。 ear? 46:Will you lead me a hand forward to seeing my 12:He is forty-five years 一年当中第一天 grandpa. 听到这个信息很高兴,你可以帮我吗 old. 435:get?together?聚会 因为我一直盼望见到我的爷爷 47:It's my pleasure 我愿意 他四十五岁了 436:no?matter?how?无论…? 48:With pleasure 我愿意


49:Trees are good for our 71:Life is not fair and 92:He was eager to get to 109:They clean their houses world. will not be fair.生活现在是Athens as soon as possible, meaning to sweep out all 树有益于我们世界。 不公平的以后也不公平 so he ran the whole the bad luck in the past 50:Many people like spring 72:Life is full of distance without stopping. year

他们清扫房屋意欲去除过去一because it brings hope.许多challenge. 他渴望尽快感到雅典,因此

年所有的晦气 生活充满了挑战。 人喜欢春天,因为春天可以给他不停歇一直跑完全程。

73:Life is what we make it. 93:They keep their bodies 110:They prepare many kinds 人带来希望。

生活是我们创造的。 51:Summer comes after fit by running.他们通过跑步of Chinese traditional food,

get new clothes for 74:But he never gave up and 保持健康。 spring.

went on to finish school 94:Keep on, never give up. children, hang up red 夏天在春天之后到来。

lanterns in the yard, paste 52:It's the hottest season 但是他从不放弃,继续完成学坚持,永不放弃。

业。 in a year. 95:China is a country with colorful paper-cuts on

windows and Spring Festival 它是一年当中最热的季节。 75:A man can fail many a long history.

53:It's the harvest time of times, but he isn't a 中国四历史悠久的国家。 couplets on both sides of

gates or doors. failure until he begins to 96Miss Lin came into the a year.

他们准备了许多种中国传统食blame somebody else. classroom with a book in 它是一年中收获的季节。

品,给孩子的新衣服,在院子里54:The weather gets cooler 一个人会失败许多次,但直到her hand.

and the days get shorter. 他开始责怪别人时,他才是一林老师手里拿着一本书进入教挂上红灯笼,在窗户上贴上五颜

六色的剪纸、在门的两侧贴上春天气变冷了并且白天变短了。 个失败者


55:Farmers are very happy 76:I failed the English 97:Hurry up, or we won't

111:At midnight, we have

with their good harvest in exam. get there on time.

some jiaozi and set off 英语考试不及格。 autumn. 快点,否则你不能准时到达

crackers and fireworks to

秋天,农民因好的收成而高77:What‘s wrong with you 那里

welcome the coming New Year =what's the matter with 98:They take part in a 兴。


56:How's the weather today you marathon race to show their

烟花爆竹来迎接新年的到来 你怎么了今天天气怎么样 strength and will.

112:On the first morning of

57:What's the weather like 79;Anything wrong 发生什么他们参加马拉松比赛以展示

the Lunar New Year, we get today 他们的力量和意志

up early, dress up and go 80:What happened发生什么了 99:Friends plays an 今天的天气怎么样

to show respect to the 81:What's the problem.有什important part in our lives. 58:Summer is my favorite

senior member of the family. 么问题 season. 朋友在我们生活中起重要作

在新年的第一天早上,我82:Way don't you do sth. 用。 夏天是最喜爱的季节。

们早早起床,装扮好去向长辈=Why not do sth. 你为什么不100:A close friend is 59:You hear it more and


more in your daily life.做… someone who is able to

is life 时间就是生命

你的日常生活中越来越多的听 84:What‘s the English for share joys and sorrows with

114:Time is money 时间就是英语怎么说 到这样的话。 you.


60:Our computer is down. 85:He often had fights with 朋友是能够与共享欢乐和分

his friends.他经常和朋友担悲伤的人 我们的电脑死机了。

打架。 61:But only the computer is 101:Friendship is one of 86:Then the number of nails allowed to do so. 但只允life's greatest treasures. become less and less in the 电脑这样做。 友谊是生命中最宝贵的财富following days. 62:I have no way to find 之一

在随后的几天,钉子的数量102:yet, it would be too out without asking the

变地越来越少 computer. much to expect a friend to 87:Finally,the day came 不查询电脑我没法知道。 do everything for you. when the boy didn't lose 然而,期待朋友为你做一切事是63:It is clear that the

his temper at all. 终于有一过分的 trouble doesn't come from

the computer but the person 天,这个男孩一点也不发脾气104:I hope everything goes

well who works on it.

我希望一切进展顺利 很明显麻烦并非来自电了,88:The father took his son

by the hand and led him to 105:I wish you success 而是来自操作电脑的人。

64:What‘s the big deal! the fence. 父亲拉着儿子的手106:May you succeed 祝你成

把他领到栅栏那边 这算什么大事啊!

107:The Spring Festival is 65:I hope you'll forgive me.89:Even if you say you're

sorry, the wound is still coming .I'd like to go back 我希望你会原谅我

home and spend the long 66:Never mid 没关系 there.

67:It's nothing 没什么 即使你说了对不起没,伤口仍holiday with my parents

春节就要到了,我想回家和父68:It doesn't matter 没什么 然在

母一起共度长假 69:Do you agree with the 90:They make you smile and

108:No matter how far away idea that life is fair feel happy.

你同意生活是公平的这一观点他们能使你微笑并且让你感到from home, people try to

get back home before Lunar 快乐

70:It reminded me of 91:He learned how to get on New Year's Eve, just as the something a teacher said with others and he never old saying goes, "East or when I was a high school lost his temper again. 他学west, home is best."

无论离家多远,人们都要在除student. 会了如何与别人相处,再也不


银窝不如自家草窝 师说的话

