
2023-04-15 00:59:11   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《catti初级口译常用词语:(五)》,欢迎阅读!
智者不惑A wise man is free from perplexities.

无风不起浪 There is no smoke without fire.(Where there is smoke,there is fire.) 画蛇添足to paint the lily

趁火打劫to fish in troubled waters

量入为出to cut one's coat according to one's cloth/make both ends meet 阳奉阴违ostensible obedience

跑了和尚跑不了庙The monk may run away,but the temple can't run with him. 万物之灵the lords of creation

万事开头难 Everything is difficult at the start 万无一失not a single miss in a thousand times. 落井下石to hit a person when he's down 隔墙有耳Pitchers have ears;walls have ears. 开夜车/挑灯夜战 Burn the midnight oil.

开诚布公 He always opens his heart to his spouse when he has a problem. 盗亦有道 Dog does not eat dog.

善有善报 One kindness is the price of another. 损人利己 to enrich oneself at others expense

置之死地而后生 Put the troops in death ground and they will live. 高一尺魔高一While the priest climbs a foot,the devil climbs ten. 预防胜于治疗Prevention is better than cure. 新官上任三把火

New brooms sweep clean.

塞翁失马焉知非福Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise.

路遥知马力日久见人心A distant journey tests the strength of a horse and a long task proves the character of a man.

沧海一栗 a drop in the bucket

盖棺论定 Judge none blessed before his death. 岁月不饶人 Time and tide wait for no man. 经验即良师 Experience is the teacher.

微不足道 a drop in the oceanThe police crackdown on speeding is just a drop in the ocean in solving Taiwan's traffic problems.

勤能补拙Diligence can make up for lack of intelligence.

