
2023-01-19 13:06:13   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《清脆的近义词是什么》,欢迎阅读!
一、【近义词】 响后、嘹后、宏后、洪后 二、【基本解释】 [释义]

()(声音)清楚悦耳: [构成] 并列式:清+ 三、【英文翻译】 1.clear and melodious 四、【详细解释】 ◎ 清脆 qīngcuì

[clear and melodious] 声音清亮好听 清脆的歌声

谓声音清晰悦耳。 白居易 《卢侍御与崔评事为予于黄鹤楼致宴宴罢同望》诗:“ 楚 思淼茫云水冷,商声清脆管秋。”《儿女英雄传》第十八回:“那琵琶弹得来十分圆熟清脆。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·长明灯》:“赤膊的还将苇子向后一指,从喘吁吁的樱桃似的小嘴唇里吐出清脆的一声道:‘吧!’” 巴 《秋》二:“他们走进栏杆,便听见清脆的水声。” 五、【短语造句】


"Hello there," he says in his clipped british accent. " 你奉上几张清脆的美钞,我们便得以通行。

When you handed some crisp dollar bills to them, they let us go. 自由之钟最后一次清脆地响起是在费城,恰逢乔治华盛顿在18462月的生日。

The final clear note of the liberty bell sounded in philadelphia for the last time on the occasion of george washington's birthday in february 1846.

当然,我们坐在户外,一个弥漫着攀缘植物和清脆喷泉芬芳的花园里。 Of course, we were sitting outside, in a garden fragrant with climbing plants and a tinkling fountain.


In the stores, look for fresh, bright, crispy leaves with stout stalk.

