Guns in America 美国枪击事件

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Guns in America 美国枪支

Broken hearted 心碎

“WE were in the gym and heard loud bangs”, said a nine-year old boy after the horrific shooting in Newtown, Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School, where at least 26 were killed, including 20 children. The shooter, who was dressed in battle fatigues, was 20-year-old Adam Lanza, whose mother may have been a teacher at Sandy Hook. His mother was found dead at her home. Lanza was declared dead at the scene.

在康涅狄格州纽顿市的山迪·胡克小学爆发了恐怖枪击事件后,一名9岁的男孩描述事件发生时的情形:们在体育馆里听到很响的枪声。在这次事件中至少有26人丧生,包括20名孩子。身穿迷彩军服的凶手·兰扎Adam Lanza)年仅20岁。他的母亲是该小学的一名教师,事发后被发现死家中。据报告兰扎本人死于枪击现场。

Before the school went on lockdown, children reportedly heard screams over the school’s intercom system. Around 9:40 this morning, not long after the start of the school day, police received word they were needed at the school. As part of a newly implemented security programme, emergency texts were sent to parents. Fighting tears, an ashen-faced and unusually emotional Barack Obama, in an address to the nation said, “Our hearts are broken today.”

在学校被封锁之前,据说孩子们提到学校的广播系统里传出的尖叫声。今早大约9:40学校开始上课后不久,警方接到学校的求救报告。作为刚实施不久的安全措施的一部份,孩子的父母们收到紧急短讯。一向沉着内敛的巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统面色惨白,在讲话中强忍泪水今天是心碎的一天。

And so they are. The stories of heroic teachers who protected their young charges by ushering them into bathrooms and closets are only just beginning to emerge. The images of the surviving children being led out of the school, visibly frightened or dazed, while holding hands are chilling. Parents reunited with their children at a nearby firehouse. Twenty sets of parents waited in vain.


Even in a country as accustomed to gun violence (and, increasingly, mass shootings) as America, the murder of 20 children in their elementary-school classroom is uniquely shocking. Earlier this week, a masked gunman killed two people at a shopping centre in Oregon. Over the summer, there were murderous gun rampages at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin and at a cinema in Colorado. In September, a gunman killed five former colleagues at a manufacturing plant in Minnesota. That same month Mother Jones published a piece showing that of the 139

guns possessed by the shooters, more than 75% were obtained legally.


A tearful President Obama noted that the nation has “endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years” and said that meaningful action is needed to prevent any more from happening, “regardless of the politics”. Unfortunately, other gun-related incidents, such as the one which left Gaby Giffords, an Arizona congresswoman, severely injured and killed six others, did little to push politicians to fight for gun control.

眼眶湿润的奥巴马总统提到美国在过去几年内已经承受了太多的此类悲剧,并指出需要有不受政治分歧左右实际行动来阻止此类事件再次发生。不幸的是,之前其它一些枪击事件,如造成亚利桑那州女参议员加比·吉佛兹(Gaby Giffords)重伤,其他6人死亡的枪击并没有促使政治家们争取枪支控制。

Michael Bloomberg, New York’s mayor, urged Mr Obama to send a gun bill to Congress. Because of gun violence, he said, “not even kindergarteners learning their A, B, Cs are safe”. Marian Wright Edelman, head of the Children’s Defense Fund, wondered what it will take for politicians to stand up and put sensible gun laws in place. Every three hours, said Ms Edelman, a child or teenager is killed by a gun.

纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格Michael Bloomberg)敦促奥巴马总统向国会递交一份枪支法案。他说:现在连正在学ABC幼儿园都已不再安全。儿童保护基金主席玛丽安·莱特·爱德尔曼( Marian Wright Edelman对此充满疑问:到底要怎么样,政治家们才肯站出来制定一部合理的枪支法律。她指出每三小时就有一位少儿死于枪下。

America is not alone in suffering mass shootings. In 1996, a gun massacre in a Scottish school in Dunblane killed 16 children and one teacher. The political impact was significant. The next year the Firearms Amendment, which prohibited private ownership of cartridge handguns, was passed. Security in British schools quickly improved, too.


As it happens, halfway around the world, on the same day, a deranged man attacked primary-school students at a school in China’s Henan province. He had a knife. Twenty-two students were wounded. None died. Adam Lanza had a pair of handguns, and a .223 semi-automatic Bushmaster rifle, which looks like this.


Eleven days agosince when two mass shootings have taken place, this one in Newtown and another earlier this

