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对于刚itunes这一单词的人来说,了解itunes的中文意思是那是十分有必要的。为此店铺为大家解释英语单词itunes的中文意思。 英语单词itunes的中文意思
英 [aɪ'tju:nz] 美 [aɪ'tju:nz]
1. 工具:最新的播客可以在其官网/上下载,或使用播客工具(iTunes)订阅RSS订阅连接,只有60集以后的,每期的ID3内都包含了除广告信息外的所有对话原文提醒一下原文并非LRC格式,
2. 音乐平台:Ubuntu 操作系统 | iTunes 音乐平台 | Foxit Reader PDF阅读
3. (优秀的、跨平台的媒体播放器应用程序):Ubuntu (当前最受欢迎、用户最多的Linux开源系统) | iTunes (优秀的、跨平台的媒体播放器应用程序) | TrueCrypt (免费的、开源的、跨平台的虚拟加密磁盘工具)
4. 播放器音乐管理工具 免费:Dreamweaver网页开发工具收费 | iTunes播放器音乐管理工具免费 | Netvibes个性化主页免费。 itunes的单语例句
1. When tracks by the Beatles are finally made available on iTunes and other downloading services, experts predict they will once again dominate the singles chart.
2. Facebook Connect for the iPhone debuted with 9 applications available at Apple's online iTunes store and a promise that more will launch in coming days.
3. A way to protect against that is to encrypt the iPhone backup through iTunes, the researchers said.
4. Despite Jobs'admiration of the Fab Four, still missing from the iTunes store are any songs from the Beatles.
5. The singer released early teasers online as much as a week
in advance, helping push the album into the top 10 on iTunes.
6. They are not capable of downloading Apple applications from the iTunes Store.
7. Some analysts said the iTunes store is too valuable to Apple for it to give away the music in it.
8. I looked at the iTunes chart this morning and five of the top ten songs are'Glee'songs.
9. " Just the same as they download music and applications from Apple's iTunes, " she said.
10. Disney already has a deal to sell downloads of ABC shows through Apple Computer's iTunes Music Store. itunes的双语例句
1. The limitation that because malic not long ago just relaxed, shares policy to ITunes shop, a variety of restriction that Yamaxun sets to Kindle user may let an user turn over dagger.
2. The best Apple can do is prevent it from the iTunes side of things, but since that can be reversed and patch that does not matter.
3. I abhor iTunes as it would not cooperate whenever I tried to do simple things, and this just made my life a heck of a lot easier.
老子深恶痛绝的iTunes ,因为它不会合作,每当我试图这样做简单的事情,这只是我的赫克了很多方便。
4. I fucking hate iTunes, it lags all the time, it crashes and its a pain in the ass to use it… takes a lot of time to do simple stuff.
老子他妈的恨的.iTunes ,它落后的时候,它的崩溃和疼痛的屁股