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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语句子中的主语》,欢迎阅读!
高二英语培优 英语句子中的主语

一. 主语的形式选择: 名词、代词以及名词性的成分

一) the + adj. 一类人或事物 The blind often have sharp hearing. 二) 不定式或动名词 1)动词不定式作主语

1. To say something is one thing, ______________ is another. (do ) 说是一回事,做是另一回事。 2. It would be wrong _________________________________________ ( consideration)


3.______________ for dinner is not decided yet. (buy) 晚饭买什么还没决定呢。 2)动名词作主语

1. ________________________ ruins ones character. cheat考试作弊毁坏人的性格。 2. By no means __________________________easy. learn )学英语语法绝不容易。 3.______________ is easier than speaking it. (read ) 读法语比说要容易些。 4. Its no use ____________ spilt milk. (cry ) 覆水难收。

5. _____________________ was a great encouragement to us. (come)他们来帮忙是对我们的鼓励。 总结:①动名词作主语时,一般不后置。②只有在一些习惯表达中,才用形式主语it。即

It +表语( no use, no good ,_____________________________________________ ...+doing sth. ③动名词的复合结构(_____________ + doing )也可以作主语。④动词不定式作主语,多用来表示特征或具体的动作;动名词作主语多用来表示____________________.但要考虑对称性 三) 主语从句

1 位于句子谓语前面的主语从句

____________________ depends much on the weather.(be) 他什么时候回来取决于天气。 2 形式主语it位于主语的位置,主语从句放在后面

1. its a pity that __________________________- 真遗憾他过去竟然这样粗鲁。

2. It doesnt interest me ______________________.(succeed )你成功与否,我不感兴趣。 3. _____________________to learn a foreign language is patience and hard work. (take) 学习外语所需要的是耐心和努力。 二. 主语的意义选择


1. ________________________ 50 people for a conference. (seat)这个大厅能坐50人开会。 2. __________________remains restricted to civil servants. (access) 这些文件仍仅限公务员使用。 3. _______________________many political changes in recent years.(witness) 印度近年来经历了


4. __________________________________ from the west to the east coast that brought even larger

numbers of Chinese immigrants to California in the 1860s. 更大批量的中国移民在19世纪60代为了修建贯穿美国东西两岸的铁路网而来到加州。

5. ___________________ the urban areas can be seen everywhere. (improvement) 人们随处可以看


6. ___________________________ always reminds me of the earthquake.(sight)看到这些孤儿我


7. _________________kept her in hospital for four weeks. (illness) 她因病在医院住了四个星期。 总结 在完成句子练习中,我们需根据语境和所提供的谓语信息,灵活正确地选用主语。

三. 主谓一致

一) 意义一致原则

1. Whoever breaks the school rules ____________________________________________. (deserve) 任何违反校规的人都应该受到惩罚。

2. As far as I am concerned, it was he, rather than you, _______________. (blame ) 在我看来,是他而不是你应该受到惩罚。 二) 语法一致原则

1 its only children who ________________________-.(stupid) 只有孩子才犯这样愚蠢的错误。 2. _______________________ professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests.present 出席会议的有怀特教授,史密斯教授,还有许多其他客人。 ) 就近一致原则

1.09 湖南)Either you or one of your students _________________ the meeting that is due tomorrow.(be)


2.(09 浙江)- I’ve read another book this week.. ---well, maybe it is not how much you read but what you reads_________________.(count) 也许重要的不是你看了多少而是你看了什么。

总结: 遵循就近原则,连接主语的连词常有:eitheror, notbut,_____________________.


1. 2. 3. 4.

Its a waste of time ________________________as this. ( watch)看这样的电视节目时浪费时间。 ________________________makes seven. (and) 三加四等于七。

____________________ is a better thing than to arrive. (travel ) 带着希望旅行胜于到达目的地。 ____________________by classmates often makes a new student feel upset.(fun) 被同学们嘲笑通常会让新同学难过。

5. Dont be hard on yourself. _____________________ what you have is the key to

happiness.( content)不要对自己太苛刻,满足于你拥有的是幸福的关键。

6. ______________________________need immediate treatment in the hospital. (wound)


7. ________________________ is sure to change as one puts it into practice. (whatever) 当一个人把它付诸于实践时,任何计划好了的事情定会发生改变。 8._________________ the air crash is a wonder. (survive) 她在飞机失事中幸存是一个奇迹。

9. These foreign English teacher ,________________ the other day , have come here from Canada.

( introduce) 这些外教是从加拿大来的,前几天我被介绍同他们认识了。

10. Never again ___________ in the fast food restaurant where poisonous oil is used.(eat ) 我再也不到那家快餐店吃东西,那里用地沟油。

11. Many a boy and girl _______________________. 许多男孩女孩都犯了同样的错误。mistake 12. The girl as well as the boys ______________a car. 这姑娘和男孩子们一道,学会了开车。(learn)

