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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《18世纪英国婚姻》,欢迎阅读!

司法分居(A Mensa Et Thoro)



司法分居判决会解除夫妻双方的同居义务,双方分居分食,但并不解除婚姻关系,双方仍然互守贞操义务,和第三方发生性关系,就构成通奸。如果是妻子提起诉讼并取胜的话,那么丈夫要负担妻子终身的抚养,给予她抚养费。因为丈夫因结婚而对妻子的财产和收入自动享有控制权,且该控制权不受分居的影响,所以分居后丈夫要继续对妻子承担抚养义务。因为当时对分居的妻子来说,几乎没有就业机会,所以得到生活费就成为妻子的惟一生存手段。〔4〕因此,为使妻子在离开后仍能维持生计,法律允许妻子从丈夫处获得生活费,从本质上说,生活费只不过是丈夫的婚姻义务在分居之后的延续。〔5〕如果丈夫因为妻子的通奸而在诉讼中取胜的话,丈夫就不用向妻子支付抚养费。 国会私人法案离婚(Parliamentary Divorce)


18世纪,虽然开始提倡爱情婚姻观,但人们的思想还是深受传统包办婚姻的影响。这一时期,制约英国贵族的婚姻生活的因素包括父母包办、经济利益、门第观念、国王的干预、宗教和社交范围等。贵族之间的通婚有助于保持贵族阶层的相对稳定性,使男方获得可靠的嫁妆,有助于贵族扩大和加强社会联系及获得政治支持。 贵族婚姻中充斥着对金钱财富的渴望。在贵族的婚姻中,总是能够体现出家庭利益在贵族生活中的重要地位。劳伦.斯通对贵族的婚姻问题曾有精确论述:“从本质上说,人们认为婚姻不是为了满足心理和生理需要的个人结合,而是确保家族的延续和家产的制度性手段。”这是对中世纪以来英国贵族婚姻特点的本质性概括:贵族婚姻就是利益婚姻。贵族父母希望通过与其他贵族家庭的联姻(最好爵位比自己的高,财产比自己的家庭多),从而使本家族的利益得到保障和积累。因而包办婚姻对家庭而言往往意味着财产的积累和地位的抬升,而对个人而言则是一种牺牲。




Background of marriage in the 18th century Britain

In the 18th century Britain, although the concept of love marriage was suggested, the traditional arranged marriage was still rooted in peoples mind. In this period, the factors influenced aristocratic marriage life were arranged marriage, economic benefits, political benefits, influence of the monarch, religion, social activities and others. The most important factors were economic benefits and political benefits. Arranged marriage between two aristocracies contributes to the stability of the aristocratic class. Husbands side was able to get a great deal of trousseau, benefits of expanding and strengthening social interpersonal relationship and support of politics. Family interests always could be found in marriage of aristocracy. It took an important part of their marriage.

Desire of money and wealth was a cloud had been handing over their marriage. Laurent` stone once have a precise treatise on aristocratic marriage, “In essence, people consider marriage was nor for the need of psychological satisfaction and biological satisfaction, but for the insurance of family honor and family property. This was an entitative conclusion of British aristocratic marriage from the Middle Ages. Marriage of aristocracy was marriage of interests. Parents of aristocracy wished that they can get more interests and property accumulation through alliance with other noble family who has a higher title and more property. So, arranged marriage means accumulation of property and promotion of social status.

In fact, arranged marriage was a decision made by parents on the basis of whether it is benefit to the whole family. This was a custom from the Middle Ages. Till 18th century, arranged marriage was considered nonstandard, but it still took the dominating position on the aristocratic marriage, this couldnt be cut of with the family interests. In the aristocratic family, a son can get a estate, a daughter can get a trousseau. If they were not obeyed the arrangement of their parents, they wouldnt get that or get only a little of that. For their livelihood, they seldom made any resistance to their parents, or they could not.

Arranged marriage made an unsure on the emotion between the man and wife. Some couples can live a harmonious life but most of them couldnt. But for the sake of economic and political interests of the family, their marriage was maintained constrainedly, because they couldnt get a divorce. In the 18th century Britain, theres still no written law about divorce. Although theres way of divorcing, but its process was complicated and costly. At that time, Catholic Church was in the main position of Britains religion, divorce was forbidden by them. Even though they finally got divorce, and the wife won in the case, she could only get the maintenance from her husband. But such thongs rarely happened especially in aristocracy class for their interests’ sake.

In brief, aristocratic arranged marriage in the 18th century Britain was deeply influenced by economic and political interests. On the one side, estate and wealth

were more important than personal emotions when choosing a married object; on the other side, by alliance, aristocracy established and strengthened the political union, raised family status.

