【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《上班请假的好理由_请假条》,欢迎阅读!

1.身体不舒服:「身体不舒服」是每个人最常用的请假理由,举凡感冒、头痛、拉肚子、呕吐或是急性盲肠炎,都是可以作为身体不舒服的理由,而且,通常身体状况不佳,往往可以明显看出来,所以,这个理由也是位居十大请假理由的首位。2.家里有事:「家里有事」的定义很难确认,虽然也常被作为请假的理由之一,但最好先了解你的老板想法,确定可能会通过核准的理由再提出请假申请。像是父母生病或是亲人发生意外等,需要帮助处理,这时请假获准的可能性比拟高,另外像家里厕所坏了、要找人修理…等事,有的老板会认为那是你的家事,不该影响他付给你薪水工作的时间,获准的可能性就不高。 而且,万一你常提出请假理由却未获得准许,不但假没休成,可能还影响老板对你的印象,年终绩效奖金可能就得有缩水的心理准备。3.小孩生病:对许多职业妇女或是先生来说,「小孩子生病或是小孩子学校有事」是最常见的请假理由,尤其是现代许多家庭都是双薪家庭,不管是先生或是太太,都是上班族,所以,小孩子一旦有发生任何事情的话,常常夫妇两人,其中一人就得要请假处理。不管小孩生病情况严不严重,只要一拿小孩子名义出来,谁敢不容许你的请假?感情丰富的主管甚至还会眼含泪要你多保重,小孩没好之前不急着上班;谁知道你是真的带小孩到医院挂急诊、打点滴,还是到麦当劳吃汉堡玩溜滑梯?不过未婚的上班族可千万不能利用这个理由,一来会引起老板的疑心,二来反而让人疑心你的私生活。4.交通意外事故:对许多通车族来说,最令人头痛就是「交通问题」,尤其是在上班时间发生任何交通事故,使得交通运输受到影响,所以,「公车」或「火车误点」都是许多上班族迟到请假的理由。这个理由通常会让老板感觉不快乐,但绝对会被成认,不过先决条件是你必须要有误点证明单。5.车子拋锚:许多自己开车的上班族,最害怕的是碰到车子拋锚,往往就会动弹不得,不仅要赶快请修车厂来拖吊,还得向公司请假。不过,小心点,有的老板不愿认同这个理由,反而会教你用自己的年假代替,除非不得已,否那么请善用!6.搬家:搬家或是其它突发事件,像是家?遭小偷或是遇到扒手,往往就会有财物损失,所以,就得请假处理后续事情。这种理由一年大概可以发生2次,但如果超过2次以上,老板可能会疑心你没什么定性,甚至不易与人相处,否那么怎么会三天二头地搬家?7.结婚:有人说:「结婚是人一辈子最重大的事。」对于要当新娘或是新郎的上班族来说,是个很好请假理由。不过,同样地,就算常用,一年最好也不要超过2次,否那么可能不会有人相信。8.当伴郎、伴娘:即使不是新娘或新郎的话,要当伴郎或伴娘也是个常见的请假理由。9.丧假:万一碰到亲人去世,尤其是直属亲戚,这时就得请丧假,通常最长请假期间为7天,但是,必须要事先报备。10.天灾:俗语说:「天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。」天灾也是办公室十大请假理由之一,尤其是上海,是个台风、暴雨频频的地区,这种天灾往往会对交通造成阻断,,有些人因此无法上班,所以,不得不请假。关于上班请假的好理由的延伸阅读--初中英语请假条初中英语请假条The distinguished leadership of the company:I am in the XXXX X month X day marriage registration, and belongs to the late marriage. According to the relevant state provisions of marriage, I can enjoy 15 days of marriage. It is special to the leadership of requests take marriage holiday, from X X to X X, a total of 15 days, please approve.I hereby apply forApplicant: XXXXXXX X month X dayAttached to: the marriage certificate (copy )Dear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:Hello! I'm Yu Fang Center School Teachers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _, please be _ _ _ _ _ _. Leave ( time ) from the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _, to place _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, absence effective contact: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Ask approval, thank youSincerely yoursSalute!Leave: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Time: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ _ _ _ month _ _ _ _ _ dayThe school ( Headmaster ) views:Education Bureau ( directly under the leadership of opinion ):Taking a leave of absenceThe XX training center:Because of our staff of the General Assembly held on the evening of January 10th, no person shall absent, so I can not return to training late in January 10th. We take, Ken hope approval!Sincerely yoursSaluteBank of China Haizhu branchOperating the Department of LiuIn November 28, 2021Taking a leave of absenceDear teacher:Hello! I am 06 levels of electronic commerce specialty under the claof students, because of, need to take ( time ) from, to place, for leave during contact:.I guarantee that the trip of personal and property safety, will not delay the study course and any group activities under the premise, ask your permission, thank you!Monitor ( vice monitor ) views:Teacher comments:Signature of applicant:Date:Dear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:Hello! I'm Yu Fang Center School Teachers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, please be _ _ _ _ _ _. Leave ( time ) from the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _, to place _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, absence effective contact: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Ask approval, thank youSincerely yoursSalute!Leave: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Time: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ _ _ _ month _ _ _ _ _ dayThe school ( Headmaster ) views:Education Bureau ( directly under the leadership of opinion ):Leave Name: department:Leave forAsk for leaveNumber of daysAsk for leaveStart stop timeDepartment ( Division)The director agreed to signSignatureTimeThe administration office department head signature ( class, more than 2 days )SignatureTimeDepartment of organizational personnel director signature ( over 2 days )SignatureTimeIn charge of the teaching assistant principal signature ( over 4 days )SignatureTimeSignature of principal( over 6 days )SignatureTime/ timeExtension of stay and the reasons of falseThe organization and Personnel Department agreed to extend the false signatureSchool leaders agreed to extend the false signatureRemarksNote: for 1 days (including 1 days), to obtain the Department ( Division) director agreed. Classes must at the same time to the academic section for stopping, curriculum adjustment procedures, without the course newspa-pe-r office for record;For more than 2 days (including 2 days) within 3 days (including 3 days), to obtain the Department Director ( Department), the organization and Personnel Department agreed to have class. Must be obtained at the same time the director 's consent ( and to the academic section for stopping, curriculum adjustment procedures, similarly hereinafter ) who reported no clateaching office for the record;For more than 4 days (including 4 days) within 5 days (including 5 days), to obtain the Department ( Ministry ) director, organization and personnel director to have class, must be obtained at the same time the director 's consent, no student newspa-pe-r office for the record, the final report to the vice president in charge of teaching approval;For more than 6 days (including 6 days), to obtain the Department Director ( Department), the organization and personnel director to have class, must be obtained at the same time the director 's consent, no student newspa-pe-r office for the record, and then must