
2023-02-17 22:08:10   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《clean的反义词》,欢迎阅读!

clean的反义词 clean out

1. 扫除,清除:去除尘土、垃圾或杂质 2. 使…空出:去除内容物或居住者 3. 驱赶或强迫离开 将不称职的工人扫地出门

cleaned out the incompetent workers. 4. &I{} 洗劫:剥夺全部的钱财或物质财富 强盗把我们洗劫一空

The robbery cleaned us out. clean up


2. 整理仪容:使自己清洁、整齐或体面 3.处理;安置 付清未付的.账单

cleaned up the unpaid bills.

4. &I{}赚钱,发大财:获得巨大收益,通常指在很短一段时间内 在牛市时获得暴利

cleaned up during the bull market. (as) clean as a whistle 1.whistle

clean bill of health clean someone's clock

1. (北美,非正式)(某人)痛打一顿 clean house 1. (北美)做家务

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clean one's plate 1.吃光盘中食物 clean up one's act

1. (非正式)开始检点行事(尤指戒烟、戒毒、不犯罪) come clean

1. (非正式)和盘托出;毫无保留;说实话 首相必须毫无保留地公布其增加赋税的计划

the Chancellor must come clean about his plans for increasing taxation.

have clean hands

1. (对于不道德行为)清白,无可谴责 牵扯进此冲突的人无一人是清白的。

no one involved in the conflict has clean hands. keep one's hands clean

1.洁身自好;不同流合污;不染指(不道德行为) keep one's nose clean

make a clean breast of something (make a clean b 1.全盘招供;全盘承认过错 make a clean job of something 1. (非正式)彻底完成(某事) the dirty end of the stick

1. (非正式,主英)(任务或形势)困难(或讨厌)的部分 do the dirty on someone 1. (英,非正式)欺骗;背叛(某人)

get one's hands dirty (dirty one's hands) 1.干体力活,干粗活,干重活

和大多数董事长不同,他不辞辛劳,和其他经理们一起干活。 unlike most chairmen, he gets his hands dirty working alongside

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