
2023-03-25 04:00:19   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《现在完成时态和现在完成进行时态》,欢迎阅读!

现在完成时态和现在完成进行时态在时间意义和用法上有不易区别之处。 现对这两种时 进行对比和分析, 重点是比较两者在相同或类似的句子中的区别, 以及两者在同一交际场 景下的不同意义。


1. 时间未指明或不确定的过去动作 。例如: I have interviewed eight interviewees much quicker than scheduled .我已经面试了八个人,比原计划快多了。

如果仅说明“时间未指明、不确定的过去动作”所带来的结果仍不能满足交际的需要, 需要现在完成时态与一般过去时态一起使用,对当时动作的执行情况加以描述 。例如:

Have you consulted the directors about the present situation of electricity shortage ?你和 任们讨论过近来电力短缺的问题了吗?

Yes,( I have .) Director Zhang and I talked over this last Saturday .是啊,上周六我 和王主任讨论了。

2. 表示过去发生的动作,这个动作有可能现在还在重复 。例如:

The famous scriptwriter has written strongly about life improvements to the lives of citizens. 这位


这句话的意思是“你可以看到这位剧作家现在还这么做” 。如果这位剧作家已经不这样 了,或者该人已经去世了,即该动作不存在重复性了,则应作如下表达:

The famous scriptwriter wrote strongly about improvements to the lives of citizens .这位著


3 表示近期不确定时间内的一次或重复性的动作或状态。 例如: I've been busy lately .近来我一直很忙。

Ryan has rung three times this morning .上午这会儿 Ryan 已经打了三次电话了。 (说话人


比较: Ryan rang three times this morning .今天上午 Ryan 打过三次电话。说话人在下午 或晚上说此话)


1. 表示一个开始于过去,但现在仍在继续或者刚刚结束的动作 。例如:

1 I've been waiting for an hour and the secretary says that I have to wait one more hour 2 I've been thinking it over

1)表明的动作是: I waited I am waiting and I will have to wait

2 )表明的动作是: I thought about it and I am still thinking .或 I thought about it and now

I have come to a conclusion

2.表示不间断的重复的动作 。例如: Justin has been calling Marie every night last week .在 过去的一周里, Justin 每天晚上都给 Marie 打电话。(可能还要接着打)

比较: Justin has called Marie seven times in the past week .在过去的一周里, Justin Marie 打过 7 次电话。(带有总结的性质,表示已完成的动作或状态,不强调接着打的可能 .

I 've been waiting a newly edited copy of this dictionary .我一直以来就想要一本这部辞 的新版本。 (此句与“ I 've wanted a newly edited copy of this dictionary .”的区别不大)


I have been working in the department store. 我一直在这家百货公司工作 (该动作可能是


I am just helping out recently in the department store but I don 't really work here .我最近

只是一直在这家百货公司帮忙,但其实我不是在这里工作的。 (描述近一段时间以来的一个 复动作,或者是一个持续动作)

三、现在完成进行时与现在完成时的区别 现在完成进行时可以与时间状语连用,也可以不用时间状语。这一点与现在完成时不 同。

现在完成时通常与时间状语,女口 since, ever since , for three mon ths , just, already, yet 等连 用。现在完成进行时通常与 all thethismorning afternoonday month the whole day 等连用。试对比以下各例:

I have bee n work ing on the experime nt report this morning , but I have n 'completed it yet .


They have been repairing the broken road .他们一直在维修那条被损坏的道路。 (可能是 刚歇息下来,也可能还在修。

They have already repaired the broken road .他们把路修完了。 (动作已经结束) 现在完

成进行时表示一种不间断的持续性行为。如果表示一个重复动作,或者表示动 作做过的次数时,不能用现在完成进行时。 例如:

I 've been writing letters since breakfast

I 've written to him three times but I haven 'theard from him up till now 笔者通过比较以


Why haven 'tyou turned in your report yet ?你怎么还没有交报告呀?

I have been reading the results of the experiment all the morning You have told us to

study the statistics before working on the report .整个上午我都在读实验结果。您告诉过我们 要先


以上例句中的 I have been reading…不可改为 I have read…,因为 I have been reading… 实际上表示“ I was readingand l will be reading…"这层含意。又如:

How about going out for a walk

I don'tfeel like going out this evening I've been working in the garden all day 如果在句中用 have worked,则表示 work这个动作给 garden带来的结果。再如: Look out for

the door


John has been painting the door

这里用现在完成进行时, 表示工作还没完成, 油漆可能还没干。 如果用 John has


the door.”可能表示“活已干完,油漆已干” 。再如:

What have you done with my knife ?你把我的刀怎么啦?(意为: Where is it now?) What have you been doing to it ?你是怎么用我的刀的?(意为: The blade's all twisted Have you been cutting wood with it ?”)

