小学英语《Then and now》优质课教学设计、教案

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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《小学英语《Then and now》优质课教学设计、教案》,欢迎阅读!
Then and now 教学设计

一、教学目标 (一)知识目标:

1. 能够听懂、会说、认读词组或单词:guest, changed, hill, star, Americans, look up, on the Intern

et, one day, in my time.

2. 能够读懂题目要求,根据题目要求对将要听的内容进行预测,并运用听力技巧,捕捉重


3. 能够运用“There be”结构的过去式句型“There was no library in my old school. / There was onl

y one small building on a hill. / There were no computers or Internet in my time. ”来描述以前的事物状态。

4. 能够运用日常交际用语“Tell us about your school, please. / Could you see stars at night?/ The

Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. / I looked it up on the Internet. ”, 并在现实生活中正确应用

5. 能够正确理解对话大意并能正确朗读所学对话。


1. 能在具体的语境中进一步理解“There be”结构过去式句型的表意功能。 2. 学会有关“There be”结构的过去式句型, 并能在现实生活中运用。 3. 要求学生单词句子书写规范,口语交际发音准确,注意语音语调。


1. 通过谈论和比较过去和现在的变化,让学生注意观察身边环境的变化,做生活中的有心


2. 通过对比过去和现在的生活方式的变化,让学生能够热爱生活,并能正确利用这些变化! 3. 增强学生的民族自尊心和自豪感。

二、教学重难点: (一)教学重点

结构的过去式句型在现实生活中的具体应用 (二)教学难点

1. 本文涉及的新词汇较多,知识面较宽广,需要在课堂教学活动中潜移默化地渗透。 2. “There be”结构的过去式句型在现实生活中的具体应用


任务教学 小组合作法四、教学用具

与本课时相关的课件与音视频五、教学过程 Step I: Greetings

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Lu. T: OK, sit down please. Step 2warm-up

1.T:Boys and girls, we are growing up, and the things around us are changing. Let’s see some pictures about the changes.

w. 导入课题: Then and no


The school is chan ging too.引入人物:W u Yifan’s grandpa.进而导 Let’s try.

Listen and tick or cross.

(1) The school changed a little.

(2) Grandpa could use computers when he was at school. 通过听力练习核对答案导入新课,

Wu Yifan’s grandpa is talking with Wu Yifan and Wu Yifan’s friends about his old school . What was Grandpa’s school like ? Step 3 Presentation

1.Watch and choose. (一进文本) What was grandpa’s school like?

2.Let’s check.

通过核对引出爷爷上学时代的学校面貌。 3.Listen and answer (二进文本)


