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rotating at the same time also spew out golden fire, flame spray out,

导语:春节的历史很悠久,它起源于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动。jump up out of the blue rattled play firecrackers. Wow, this gun is 按照我国农历,正月初一古称元日、元辰、元正、元朔、元旦等。下面是yjbys作文网小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。春节英语作文

(1)I had a wonderful time this Spring Festival, we all put on new clothes, get the lucky money, taste the delicious food, play to the manifold blessings that lie in the fireworks firecracker, saw the wonderful Spring Festival gala... The most memorable to me is that colourful fireworks!Since to the flower market and bought after the fireworks, I ‘ve been looking forward to the arrival of the year, because the day can play to fun interesting fireworks.Finally, the day arrived, I was so happy in my heart, like eat the doping! After eating dinner, dad and I happily with fireworks and gun platform to the third floor,

“out of the blue marble, out of the blue marble “, on the third floor has a lot of people in the play firecrackers to celebrate the New Year. I also can ‘t wait to come up with a gun like bombs let father, himself like a flee for life ‘s little rabbit ran so far! This gun rotated,

so rich and colorful! I took out a rubik ‘s cube box of the rockets, father lit the fuse, 25 small gun with sound box have to fly to heaven,

and bursting charming flowers in the sky, I also jumped up excitedly, really want to and they compare discretion!It ‘s so wonderful! My heart sighs. Suddenly, a loud noise startled me, it turns out that the other side of the village in a large-scale fireworks! The bursting fireworks like pieces of beautiful flowers, the color of the beautiful flowers really much ah, there are red, green, white, yellow... Watch, I as if went into the ocean of beautiful flowers, is full of colorful, beautiful flowers...The Spring Festival is really interesting! I had a wonderful time!这个春节我过得非常愉快,我们都穿上了新衣服,拿到了压岁钱,尝到了美味的饭菜,玩到了千姿百态的烟花鞭炮,看到了精彩的

春节联欢晚会 … …最令我难忘的就是那五彩缤纷的烟花了!自从逛完花市,买了烟花之后,我就一直盼望着大年三十的到来,因为那天就可以玩到好玩有趣的烟花了。终于,这天来到了,我心里高兴极了,像吃了兴奋剂一样!吃完年夜饭,我兴高采烈地和爸爸拿着烟花和炮来到三楼平台放, “霹雳

啪啦,霹雳啪啦 ”,三楼已经有很多人在打鞭炮庆祝新年了。我也迫不及待地拿出一个像炸弹的炮让爸爸点,自己却像个逃命的小兔子一样跑得远远地了!这个炮开始旋转了,旋转的同时还喷出金黄色的火焰,火焰喷完了,就跳起来霹雳啪啦地打起鞭炮来。哇,原来这个炮这么丰富多彩呀!我又拿出一个像魔方盒的火箭炮,爸爸点燃了导火线,盒子里25个小炮带着响声陆续飞上天,在天空中绽开迷人的花朵,我也兴奋地跳起来,真想和它们比比高低呀!真是太奇妙了呀!我发自内心地感叹到。突然,一声巨响把我吓了一跳,原来,对面的小区在放大型烟花呢!那绽开的烟花像一朵朵绚丽的鲜花,那些美丽的鲜花的颜色可真多呀,有红的、绿的、白的、黄的 … …看着看着,我仿佛走进了美丽的花的海洋,到处都是五颜六色、千姿百态的花

… …这个春节真有意思!我过得非常愉快!春节英语作文(2)The first day is our country traditional festival - the Spring Festival. Can be more about around the Spring Festival custom, family reunion dinner on New Year ‘s eve is the most important. A large family reunion together, open happy heart, home, eating food and wine in harmony. Family reunion dinner we northerners like to eat dumplings, adumbrative next year good luck; The southerners like to eat dumplings, symbolizing family reunion.Hear adults say, previously, can eat

something good to eat at ordinary times less than the Chinese New Year, as a result, people are always looking forward to New Year ‘s day everyday. Today, we eat every day is like the Chinese New Year, now want to busy for a year, the family can gather together together.This year, our family reunion dinner is eat in restaurants. The family can be happy together! The adults gave me many blessings, and lucky money? I also wish the elders healthy body, all the best! Everyone eating, drinking, said, laughing... Our home on New Year ‘s eve dinner is filled with great affection.正月初一是我们国家传统佳节 —春节。关于过春节各地的习俗可多了,除夕的年夜饭可是最重要的。一大家人团聚在

一起,开开心心、热热闹闹的品尝着美酒佳肴,其乐融融。年夜饭我们北方人喜欢吃饺子,预示着来年交好运;而南方人喜欢吃汤圆,象征着一家人团团圆圆。听大人们说,以前,过年可以吃到平时吃不到的好东西,因此,人们总盼着天天都过年。如今,我们天天吃得都象过年一样,现在就希望忙碌了一年,一家人能够相聚在一起。今年,我们家的年夜饭是在饭店里吃的。一家人在一起可开心啦!大人们送给我很多祝福,还有压岁钱呢。我也祝愿长辈们身体健康,万事如意!大家吃着、喝着、说着、笑着 … …我们家除夕的年夜饭充满了浓浓的亲情。

