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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《责任作文之英语作文责任》,欢迎阅读!

【篇一:高中英语作文素材 关于个人责任 on


关于个人责任(on responsibility) we chinese place a high value on responsibility. it is traditional deal for us chinese to take care of our parents. we owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing up. it is right, then, when they are getting older with each passing day, we help them and see that they are well cared for. in this way, we give back some of the love and care they have given to us.

as loyal chinese citizens, we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country. i t is our duty to keep china strong in the eyes

finally, we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live in. it is important that we learn to live in peace with the other nations of the world and to protect our

environment.?if we carry out these responsibilities, we will be respected citizens of our country.


社会责任意识对我们是非常重要的。如果每个人都有一个良好的社会责任感,我们可以建立一个更好的社会和一个更加繁荣的国家。 如何加强社会责任?首先,学习良好的道德观有利于我们成为负责任的公民。

其次,要意识到人是和别人相处相交,组成集体,相互依靠的,亦即集体意识,乃至进一步的国家或民族意识。要学会关心他人,力所能及的帮助身边的同学,和父母处好关系积极分担家里的活,打扫卫生什么的。 要平等对待他人,尊重他人,包括尊重他人人格,不嘲笑别人缺点。生活的点点滴滴都离不开其他人,尊重、欣赏他人的劳动、付出, 学会感恩。还要多参加志愿者活动,增加自身实经验。还应该为自己树立学习的榜样,不一定非要是我们接触不到的社会上的知名人物,也可以身边能激励自己的同学。学习他们

身上的优点,改善自身缺点,不断的完善自己,培养自己的责任心。 最后但并非最不重要,有必要鼓励人们关心他人,帮助他人通过各种各样的宣传。如果所有的居民有一个良好的社会责任感,这是希望世

界会有更加美好的未来。因此,让我们把我们的社会责任,为我们的社会作出贡献。我们只有有了社会责任感,学习才有动力,生活才会充满乐趣。培养社会责任感,要从小事做起,从我做起,从现在做起。做好自己分内的事,成就自己的同时,也是对社会的贡献。 strengthening the sense of social responsibility

social responsibility is one of the state, the collective and others assume moral responsibility. if everyone has a good social sense of responsibility, we can build a better society and a more prosperous country.

how to strengthen the social responsibility? first of all, learning good moral values is helpful for us to become responsible citizens.

second, realize that the person is intersection, with people of the collective, rely on each other, that is, the collective consciousness, and even further state or national

consciousness. learn to care about others, can help the

students around, good term with parents actively sharing of living in the home, cleaning, etc. equal to treat others, respect for others, including respect personality, dont laugh at others faults. little drops of life cannot leave the others, respect and appreciate the work of others, pay, learn to be grateful. more to participate in volunteer activities, increase their own practical experience. should also be learning set an example for oneself, not necessarily is we cant contact with famous people in the society, can also inspire their classmates around you. the

advantages of learning them, improve their own shortcomings, constantly improve themselves, develop their sense of responsibility.





…… 虽然我们处于不同的学习工作环境,但是我们做任何事都应该自己想办法完成,不能老是想着依靠他人。同时,我们也应该对自己做过的事情负责,不管是对是错。

责任也可以彰显个人魅力,让我们共同努力,做一个有责任的人! be a responsible person by watching the film of super dads , we can see from shane who is a soldier always be strict to himself and stick to his positions, finally complete the task successfully. i realized that no matter what people do, should be conscientious, can not give up halfway. in the study, we should be responsible for our own learning, using the

knowledge to eich our mind, and finally finish our study; in life, we should take care of our parents and the young, do

everything in our power; in the work, we should try our best to finish our own task; in society, we should actively help others, make our society better ... ...

although we are in different working environment, but we should do everythingindependent instead of relying on others. at the same time, we should also be responsible for the things what we had done, whether its wrong or right.

responsibility can also demonstrate personal charm, let us work together, to be a responsible person!

