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命运的英语单词 命运英语单词 fate destiny 命运的英语例句 我看不出和命运抗争有什么用。

I see no use quarrelling with fate. 她与他的命运纠缠在一起。 Her fate intertwined with his. 等待人类的可怕命运 The terrible fate awaiting humanity 命运线始于接近手腕的地方。

The fate line begins close to the wrist. 命运把我们连在一起了。 Destiny drew us together. 每个人都是自己命运的创造者。 Everyone is the architect of his own fortune. 她的命运一直与悲哀相连。

Sorrow has always been her portion. 她不知道以后等待她的将是什么命运。

She wondered what fate had in store for her next.有些人相信,命运之神支配人类的命运。

Some people believe that the Fates preside over man“s destiny. 我们是听任命运摆布的傀儡吗 Are we the puppets of fate 她深信命运会逃跑,所以要不择手段、不顾一切地把握命运。

She is convinced that her destiny escapes and must do everything to achieve. 愿意的人,命运领着走;不愿意的人,命运拖着走...... Fate leads the willing and drags along the unwilling. 你应当顺从命运,而不是挑战命运。

You should follow your portion rather than challenge it. 她总是能够掌握自己的命运。

She had always been mistress of her own destiny. 这确实是命运中一个令人欣喜的转变。

This was certainly a welcome change of fortune. 他们的命运仍


Their fate is still in the melting pot. 仿佛是命运的捉弄,这对选手在锦标赛第一轮比赛中就狭路相逢。

By a tantalising quirk of fate, the pair have been drawn to meet in the first round of the championship. 闪电式离婚后可能紧接着就是一段在家庭命运上互相纠结的更加漫 长、更加痛苦的时期。 A quick divorce can be succeeded by a much longer and more agonising period of haggling over the fate of the family. 如果一家公司长时间陷入被挂牌出售的处境,那么关于其命运的各种传言最终就会卷土重来。

If a company stays on the auction block long enough, rumors about its fate will eventually begin to repeat themselves. 关于命运的英文阅读:行为决定命运 If the past has taught us anything, it is that every cause brings effect, every action has a consequence. 过去的日子若曾经教过我们些什么的话,那便是有因必有果,每一个 行为都有一种结果。

This thought, in my opinion, is the moral foundation of the universe;

依我之见,这种想法是宇宙的道德基础: it applies equally in this world and the next. 它不仅适用于今生也适用于来世。

We Chinese have a saying:“If a man plants melons, he will reap melons;

if he sows beans, he will reap beans." 我们中国人有句谚语说:“瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。” And this is true of every man"s life: good begets goodand evil leads to evil. 而这就是每个人生活的写照:善有善报,恶有恶报。

True enough, the sun shines on the saint and sinner alike, and too often it seems that the wicked wax and prosper. 说实在,圣人与罪人皆会受到阳光的泽被,而且常常似乎是恶者大行 其道。

