【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《食品公司 英文翻译》,欢迎阅读!

Only happy pigs, cattle, sheep, pork, beef, mutton people happiness.Every man should not miss the documentary, but I suggest that you eat pork, beef and mutton will see later,After watching the film, may be after a long time you will get to eat meat.
Before pass by KFC or McDonald's, see kids gulping down inside a burger and fries, I get jealous, eagerly watching mouth water. 现在却对他们有种同情感,自以为吃的是美食却是慢性毒药
Now have seed with emotion to them, the thought is to eat food is chronic poison
影片最后说:You can make the planet better with EVERY BITE! Film last said: You can make the planet better with EVERY BITE!
如果能做到的话,你可以: If can do it, you can:
Eat more vegetables and less meat
Drink more water to drink less
Eat more fruit drink less juice
Choose green, blue food