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Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!

In addition, this store provides various types of practical sample essays for everyone, such as sentences, sayings, slogans, slogans, heart words, classic quotations, famous quotes, personalized signatures, blessings, humorous jokes, etc. Learn about the different formats and writing styles of sample essays, so stay tuned!

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1、耐克:Just Do It(只管去做)。 2、苹果:Think Different(不同凡响)。 3、可口可乐:Taste The Feeling(品味情感)。 4、麦当劳:I'm Lovin'It(我爱它)。 5、谷歌:Don't Be Evil(不作恶)。

6、亚马逊:Work Hard,Have Fun,Make History(努力工作,快乐生活,创造历史)。

7、宝马:The Ultimate Driving Machine(至臻驾驶机器)。 8、奔驰:The Best or Nothing(唯有最好)。

9、阿迪达斯:Impossible is Nothing(一切皆有可能)。 10、百事可乐:Live For Now(活在当下)。 11、福特:Go Further(向前进)。

12、三星:Imagine the Possibilities(想象无限)。 13、丰田:Let's Go Places(让我们走向未来)。 14、微软:Empowering Us All(赋能人类)。

15、通用电气:Imagination at Work(想象力在工作)。 16IBMThink(思考)。

17、雪佛兰:Find New Roads(开拓新路)。

18、维萨卡:Everywhere You Want To Be(随处可达)。 19AT&TRethink Possible(重新思考可能)。

20、美国运通:Don't Leave Home Without It(不要忘记带上

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