【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《领略近义词》,欢迎阅读!
意会、贯通、融会、剖析、明白、分解、分析、理会、了解、领会、解析、认识、理解、体认、体验、体味、领略、体会、会意 二、【基本解释】 [释义] (动)领会。 [形成] 并列式:领+悟 三、【英文翻译】
1prehend; grasp; understand 四、【短语造句】
but it has taken western governments too long to grasp the seriousness of their jobs proble
outside china, few of the structural surplus countries seem to grasp the need to turn themselves from dedicated mercantilists into mass consumers. 3.教训会重复,直到你领悟为止。 a lesson is repeated until learned. 4.海盗们早已领悟了这一点。
the pirates have learnt that lesson.
ms lagarde's formidable negotiating skills and political savvy should help; so might her proximity to and rapport with the european establishment. 五、【详细解释】
◎ 领悟 lǐngwù
[comprehend;assimilate;catch;have a true grasp] 体会,解悟 从他们的记录中我能够领悟到某些哲理
领会晓悟。 明 李贽 《复焦弱侯书》:“盖《近谿语録》须领悟者乃能观於言语之外,不然,未免反加绳束。” 清 秦笃辉 《平书·文艺下》:“读书作文,以领悟为上。无所领悟,虽十年八年归于无益;有所领悟,虽一刻两刻可以有功。” 峻青 《傲霜篇》:“想着想着,我忽然领悟出菊花之所以会成为我国人民所共同喜爱的一种花卉的这个道理来了。”