研究生英语综合教程(上)practical translation英汉互译整理

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1、而且,人类还有能力改变自己的生存环境,从而使所有其他形态的生命服从人类自己独特的想法和想象 Furthermore,humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live,thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies.


But even more important,it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past,for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago.

3、执业顾问和化学家约翰。费策尔最早提出这个特征,关于这个特征,人们已经写了大量的文章。 John Fetzer,career consultant and chemist,first suggested this trait,which has already been written about a great deal.

4、女王将于5月访问该城。届时,她将主持那家新医院的开业仪式。 The queen will visit the town in May,when she will open the new hospital. 5、是他接到那封信,说你的叔叔去世了。

It is he who received the letter that announced the death of your uncle. 6、饭后,四个主要谈判人物继续进行会谈,一直谈到深夜。

After dinner,the fours key negotiators resumed their talks,which continued well into the night. 7、楼下有人说要见你。

There is a man downstairs who wants ti see you.


In our factory,there are many people who are much interested in the new invention. 9、企业要求员工能承受风险。

Being OK with risk is something that industry demands.


As hardworking as Dog was,he could not keep up with demand so his customers often had to wait a long time to be served.


He would be a rash man who should venture to defy world public opinion and act arbitrarily. 12、你母亲在超市买东西时,我遇见了她。

I met your mother,who was doing shopping at the supermarket. 13、他坚持要再建造一幢房子,尽管他并无此需要。

He insisted on building another house,which he had no use for. 14、为了证明他的论点,他正在收集确凿的材料。

He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument.

15、我几乎认不出她了,因为在过去的10年中,她变得太多了。 I could not recognize her,who had changed so much in the past 10 years. 16、他被她的身材、她的蓝眼睛迷住了 He was captivated by her figures,her blue eyes.


The optimists believe defeat is not their fault:circumstances,bad luck,or other people brought it about.Such people are not bothered by defeat.


Late in November,street lights and store windows are decorated with the traditional Christmas colors of red and green.


Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a wide variety of problemfor

example,depression,headaches,physiological impairments,and neurotic and psychosomatic difficultiesthat sometimes last a lifetime.


By five years of age,they have been found to have significantly higher IQs and to score higher on languages tests.


The possibility of employing more staff is still under discussion.


How and when human language developed and whether animals such as chimpanzees and gorillas can develop a more elaborate system of communication are issues at present being researched. 23、物体在水中比在空气中轻,这是一个常识。

It is a matter of common experience that bodies are lighter in water than they are in air.


It is believed to be common that more and more engineers have come to prefer synthetic material to natural


25、几分钟前,我下楼吃午饭,发现坐在我旁边的竟然是福瑞德。斯通(他靠墙坐着,离我大约18英寸远) When I went down to lunch a few minutes ago I noticed that the man sitting next me (about eighteen inches away along the wall )was Fred Stone.


I am 22 blocks from where Rudolph Valentino lay in state,eight blocks from where Nathan Hale was executed,five blocks from the publishers office where Ernest Hemingway hit Max Eastman on the nose, 27、英国的选举主要是工党和保守党两大政党之间的竞争,我们认为的确如此。

We think it true that the election in Britain is mainly a contest between the two big parties,Labor and Conservative. 28、因此,如果要使学生充分利用他们(上大学)的机会,就得为他们提供大量关于课程的更为详尽的信息,作更多的指导。这个问题显得越来越重要了。

It therefore becomes more and more important that,if students are not to waste their opportunities,there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.


Many yogis are amazed at how rapidly yogas popularity has spread in America ,considering the legend that it was passed down secretly by handfuls of adherents for many centuries. 30、大约有1/4的美国青年阅读能力弱,这简直令人难以置信

The number of the young people with poor reading ability in the United States is incredible:about one in four. 31、人们常说,通过电视可以了解时事,掌握科学政治的最新动态。从电视里还可以看到层出不穷、既教育意义由于娱乐性的新节目。

Television,it is often said,keeps one informed about current events,allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics,and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive and entertaining.


People were afraid to leave their houses,for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency,they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.


Modern scientific and technical books,especially textbooks,require revision at short intervals if their authors wish to keep pace with new ideas,observations and discoveries.


When the book finally went on sale at 12:01a.m. Saturday,thousands of children in Britain and North America rushed to claim their copies.

35、今年秋天,如果一切顺利的话,一只革命性新潜艇将缓缓地在蒙特利海湾下水,进行它的第一次航行。 Sometimes this fall,if all goes well,a revolutionary new undersea vessel will be lowered gently into the waters of Monterey bay for its maiden voyage.


Since psychological traits depend so much upon experience,it is to be expected that they will reflect it. 37、因为高个子约翰。希尔费既邪恶又迷人,所以它才让人更觉害怕。 Long John Silver is doubly frightening because he is both evil and charming.


These cases do not indicate what would happen if these identical individuals were raised separately. 39、如果没有相关当局的批准,我们就不能开始这项工作

We cant start the jib until we have the approval from the authority concerned. 40、在蛮力做不到的时候,技巧和耐心往往会使人成功的。 Skill and patience will succeed where force fails . 41、如果机器发生故障,就把电门关上。

Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.


Something further must be done to the amplified signals before they can be sent to the transmitting antenna.


One plunges into the surf and rescues a swimmer from drowning;another dashes into a burning house and carries a stranger to safety;others snatch a child from the wheels of death;many give their blood that others may live. 44、精神是完美的,但它栖居到人类肉体结构中后,便参与其中,表现出后者的不完美。

The spirit is perfect,but when it inhabits humans structures,it participates in the imperfections of the latter.


But now it is realized that supplies of some of them are limited,and it is even possible to give a reasonable estimate of their expectation of life,the time it will take to exhaust all known sources and reserves of these materials.


Yoga stretches are used by physical therapists and professional sports teams,and the benefits of yoga are being touched by movie stars and Fortune 500 executives.


Whether an organism is a plant or an animal sometimes taxes the brains of biologists. 48、我从来没有看到过如此衰败的人。 I have never seen such a wreck of humanity.


The youngsters have been devoted cheerleaders of the new video game. 50、但是精神——内在的人——却仍然免遭邪恶的染指和玷污。 But the spirit,the inner man,remains untouched and undefiled by evil.


Countless unnamed and unrecorded men have given their lives for their fellowmen,not only on the battlefront but on the home-front as well.

52、美国是我母亲寄托所梦想的国度。 America was where all my mothers hopes lay.


The question is how the people can find an effective way to store the suns heat. 54、在我所有的美丽的幻想中都充满了一种感觉:我立时会变得十分完美。 In all of my imaginings,I was filled with a sense that I would soon become perfect. 55、人类不可能受机器人控制。

There is no possibility that human beings will ever be controlled by robots. 56、毫无疑问,动物病毒能进入人体。

There is no doubt that animal viruses can jump into humans.

57、究竟有没有不明飞行物或者来自其他行星的宇宙飞船,迄今为止尚无法证实。 So far there is no proof that UFOs or spaceships from other planets do exist.


Arranged marriages provide a good example both of how prospective lovers are brought together and how cultural values and practices limit the choice of partners. 58、他们是接到命令这样做的。 They are ordered to do this.


It is expected that this project will draw on overseas experience. 59、希望尽可能多的人加入志愿者的队伍来照顾老人。

Its hoped that as many people as possible can join the volunteers in looking after the aged. 60、众所周知,人口数量一直在增加。

It is well known that the number of people has been increasing. 61、大家都明白所有员工都应该遵守合理的员工安全条例。

It is understood that reasonable safety rules of the employer shall be complied with by all employees. 62、房子需要油漆一下了。 The house needed painting.

