
2023-03-29 10:21:13   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《【辉哥审校】百年孤独经典段落摘抄》,欢迎阅读!





And then he saw the child. It was a dry and bloated bag of skin that all the ants in the world were dragging toward their holes along the stone path in the garden. Aureliano could not move. Not because he was paralyzed by horror but because at that prodigious instant Melquíades? Final keys were revealed to him and he saw the epigraph of the parchments perfectly placed in the order of man’s time and space: The first of the line is tied to a tree and the last is being eaten by the ants.

就在这时,他看到了自己的儿子——一块皱巴巴的咬烂了的皮肤,从四面八方聚集扰来的一群蚂蚁正把这块皮肤沿着花园的石铺小径,往自己的洞穴尽力拖去。奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚一下子呆住了,但不是由于惊讶和恐惧,而是因为在这个奇异的一瞬间,他感觉到了最终破译梅尔加德斯密码的奥秘。他看到过羊皮纸手稿的卷首上有那么一句题辞,跟这个家族的兴衰完全相符:“家族中的第一个人将被绑在树上,家族中的最后一个人将被蚂蚁吃掉。 英语段落摘抄二:

That encyclopedic coincidence was the beginning of a great friendship. Aureliano continued getting together in the afternoon with the four arguers, whose names were ? lvaro, Germán, Alfonso, and Gabriel, the first and last friends that he ever had in his life. For a man like him, holed up in written reality, those stormy sessions that began in the bookstore and ended at dawn in the brothels were a revelation. It had never occurred to him until then to think that literature was the best plaything that had ever been invented to make fun of people, as ? lvaro demonstrated during one night of revels. Some time would have to pass before Aureliano realized that such arbitrary attitudes had their origins in the example of the wise Catalonian, for whom wisdom was worth nothing if it could not be used to invent a way of preparing chick peas.

学识上的一致是伟大友谊的开端。奥雷连诺。 布恩蒂亚下午继续同四位争论对手见面,他们是阿尔伐罗、杰尔曼、阿尔丰索和加布里埃尔,这四位是他一生中的第一批也是最后一批朋友。象他这样整天埋头书堆的人,从书店开始到黎明时刻在妓院里结束的暴风雨般的聚会,对他真是一种启示。直到那时他还从未想到过,文艺是迄今为止用来嘲弄人的一切发明中最好的玩意儿。阿尔伐罗在一天晚宴中就是这样说的。过了一些时候奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚才想到明白,此说来源于博学的加泰隆尼亚人。老头子认为:知识要是不能用来发明一种烹饪鹰嘴豆的方法,那就一文不值了。


In spite of their disordered life, the whole group tried to do something permanent at the urging of the wise Catalonian. It was he, with his experience as a former professor of classical literature and his storehouse of rare books, who got them to spend a whole night in search of the thirty-seventh dramatic situation in a town where no one had any interest any more in going beyond primary school. Fascinated by the discovery of friendship, bewildered by the enchantments of a world which had been forbidden to him by Fernanda’s meanness, Aureliano abandoned the scrutiny of the parchments precisely when they were beginning to reveal themselves as predictions in coded lines of poetry. But the subsequent proof that there was time enough for everything without having to give up the brothels gave him the drive to return to Melquíades? room, having decided not to flag in his efforts until he had discovered the last keys.

这伙人虽然在生活上乱七八糟,可是在博学的加泰隆尼亚人催促下,总还想做些固定的工作学的加泰隆尼亚人凭他古典文学老教师的资格和一间没有多少书籍的书库,领着他们整夜探讨这个小镇的第三十六次戏剧性变化,而这个小镇的人除了对小学校以外,对什么都不感兴趣。奥雷连诺。 恩蒂亚对新的友谊如痴似狂,同菲兰达的冷漠相比,这种友谊就更可贵了。就在那些羊皮纸手稿开始以密码的诗句向他揭示预言的内容时,他却不再孜孜不倦地阅读了。但是后来的事实表明,他有足够的时间既出入妓院,又能做其他的事情,这就给了他一种动力,使他重返梅尔加德斯的书房,并且决心下苦功, 不消沉,一定要解开这最后的谜。


