
2022-05-01 01:58:20   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《语用学名词解释》,欢迎阅读!


Syntax法学: syntax is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms,how they are arranged in sequence,and which sequences are well-formed.

Semantics语义学:semantics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and entities in the world;that is,how words literally connect to things.

Discourse analysis话语分析is a general term for a number of approaches to analyzing written, spoken, signed language use or any significant semiotic event.

The objects of discourse analysisdiscourse, writing, talk, conversation, communicative event, etc.are variously defined in terms of coherent sequences of sentences, propositions, speech acts or turns-at-talk.

Different Cultural Assumptions差异文化假设: It refer to the fact that even though people in situations such as we study agree on the overall purpose of the interaction, there are often radical differences as to what expectations and rights are involved at any one time.

Cross-cultural pragmatic failure:It includes pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic failure.

Face面子: means the public self-image of a person. it refers to that emotional and social sense of self that everyone has and expects everyone else to recognize.

Politeness礼貌: means that someone shows awareness of another person's face.

face wants面子需求: within social interactions, people generally behave as if there expectations concerning their public self-image

Deixis指示: A technical term for one of the most basic things we do with utterances. It means “pointing” via language. It is a form of referring that is tied to the speaker’s context, with the most basic distinction being “near speaker” versus “away form speaker”.

Honorifics尊称:They are the expressions which are used to indicate higher status.

proximal terms近指: The terms mean “near the speaker”, which are interpreted in terms of the speaker’s location, or the deictic center.

T/V distinction亲疏区别: A well-known social contrast encoded within person deixis is the distinction between forms used for a familiar addressee in some language. It’s from French forms “tu”(familiar) and “vous”(non-familiar), and could be found in many languages.

Deictic projection指示投影:speakers seem to be able to project themselves into other locations prior to actually being in those location.



Solidarity strategy团结策略: The tendency to use positive politeness forms, emphasizing closeness between speaker and hearer, can be seen as a solidarity strategy.

Deference strategy顺从策略: The tendency to use negative politeness forms, emphasizing the hearer's right to freedom can be seen as a deference strategy.

Quality 质量:Try to make your contribution one that is true.

Implicature蕴义: An additional conveyed meaning.

Generalized conversational implicature一般会话含义: When no special knowledge is required in the context to calculate the additional conveyed meaning, it is called generalized conversational implicature.

Reference引用: an act in which a speaker , or writer , uses linguistic forms to enable a listener , or reader, to identify something. It is clearly tied to the speaker’s goals and the speaker’s beliefs in the use of language.

Zero anaphora零形回指: it is also called ellipsis. When the interpretation requires us to identify an entity, and no linguistic expression is present,it is called zero anaphora. The use of zero anaphora as a means of maintaining reference clearly creates an expectation thar the listener will be able to infer who or what the speaker intends to identify . it is also another obvious case of more being communicated than is said.

Referring expressions指词: can be proper nouns ,noun phrases which are definite , or indefinite , and pronouns . the choice of one type of referring expression is based on what the speaker assumes the listener already knows .

Attributable silence: If one speaker actually turns over the floor to another and the other does not speak, then the silence is attributed to the second speaker and becomes significant.

Overlap重叠:Both speakers try to speak at the same time.

High considerateness style高体贴风格: Speakers use a slower rate, expect longer pauses between turns, do not overlap, and avoid interruption or completion of the other’s turn.

Backchannel signals反馈信号: The most common vocal signal to indicate the conversation partners are listening.

Turn-taking话轮: In any situation where control is not fixed in advance, anyone can attempt to get control.

TRP转换关联位置: Transition Relevance Place. Any possible change in who has the turn.


