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Comparative education review (0010-4086, Quarterly, SSCI) Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Harvard Educational review (0017-8055, Quarterly, SSCI) Harvard Graduate School of Education

Higher education (0018-1560, 8/yr, SSCI) Dordrecht, Netherlands: Klumer Academic Publishers

Journal of geography in higher education (0309-8265, Triennial, SSCI)

A类刊物 刊物)

Abingdon, England: Carfax Publishing Co.

网络SSCIJournal of higher education (0022-1546, Bimonthly, SSCI) Columbus,

Ohio: Ohio State University Press

Research in higher education (0361-0365, Bimonthly, SSCI) New York: Human Sciences Press

Review of higher education (0162-5748, Quarterly, SSCI) Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press

Studies in higher education (0307-5079, Triennial, SSCI) Abingdon, England: Carfax Publishing Co.

Other Important Higher Education Journals


《中国社会科学 《新华文摘》 教育研究 《高等教育研究

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Assessment & evaluation in higher education (0260-2938, Quarterly)

及重要外文Abingdon, England: Carfax Publishing Co.

Canadian Journal of higher education (0316-1218, Triennial) Toronto: Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education

Chronicle of higher education (0009-5982, Weekly) Washington D.C.: Editorial Projects for Education

Higher Education and national affairs Washington D.C.: American Council on Education

Higher education in Europe (0379-7724, Quarterly) Bucharest: CEPES/UNESCO

Higher education management (1013-851x, Triennial) Paris: OECD Publications Service

Higher education policy (0952-8733, Quarterly,) Tarrytown, NY: Elsevier Science

Higher education quarterly (0951-5224) Oxford: Society for Research into Higher Education

Industry and higher education (0950-4222, bimonthly) UK: In Print Publishing Ltd.

Innovative higher education (0742-5627, Quarterly) New York: Human Sciences Press

Internet and higher education (1096-7516, Quarterly) Stamford, CT: JAI Press, Inc.

Journal of further and higher education (0309-877x) London: National Association of Teachers in Further & Higher Edu

J. of higher education policy and management (1360-080x, Triennial) Abingdon, England: Carfax Publishing Co.

Journal of marketing in higher education (0884-1241, Quarterly) Binghamton, NY: Havorth Press, Inc.

New directions in higher education (0271-0560, Quarterly) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc.

Planning for higher education (0736-0983, Quarterly) Ann Arbor, Michigan: Society for College and University Planning

Research into higher education abstracts (0034-5326, Triennial) Abingdon, England: Carfax Publishing Co.

Times higher education supplement (0049-3929) London: Times Newspaper Ltd.


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