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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《中国传统葬礼的英文介绍》,欢迎阅读!

来源: 张藤耀的日志


老人生命垂危之时,子女等直系亲属守护在其身边,听取遗言,直到亲人去世,这在习俗中 称为""。送终是一件大事,能为老人送终是表明子女尽了最后的孝心,未能为老人送 终常常成为人们一生中的一大憾事。有没有子女送终,是不是所有子女都来送了终又是老人 是否有福的一个判别标准。 在老人临危之时,家人要将其从卧房移到正庭中临时铺设有板床上,板床在较穷的地方就用 临时卸下的门板做成。因为民俗以为人若在床上死。灵魂就会被吊在床中,无法超度。有的 地方也把死老是否在板床上死看作是子女是否尽了孝道的标准,老人在床上咽的气,子女往 往会受人非议。夭折的人,家人虽不会将其移入正庭,但也会将其移至床前地上。如果死者 之上还有长辈,死时,也不移入正庭。 在许多地方,人死之后,家人都会烧纸钱,称为"烧倒头纸",有的地方更明白,叫:" 落气纸"。此外,还人鸣放鞭炮,一是表示死者归西,二是向邻居报丧。 人死之后,家人要围在死者身边恸哭,未死时,则禁止哭泣。 [编辑本段]报丧

死老咽气后,家人应尽快向亲友发出报丧贴,或登门通报死讯,对远方的亲友,要告诉其开 吊下葬的日期。报丧的孝子要穿孝服,戴孝帽,到了别人家,不能进门,有人来迎接时,无 论长幼,都要叩首。 [编辑本段]入殓

死者入棺前,要为之整容,如剃头、刮脸、换擦洗身、穿寿衣等,然后再以白绸(有的地方 也用纸钱)掩面。民俗以为,不能给死老穿皮衣皮裤,否则死者会转世为兽;为死者穿衣时 ,不要将眼泪滴到死者身上,否则以后做梦就见不到死者。有的地方要求为死老配木梳一把 ,镜子一面。 在死者死后的二十四小时内,要由专人选择好时刻,正式将尸体移入棺中,入棺时,死者一 般是头朝里脚朝外。 [编辑本段]守铺

死老家人在老人死后到正式放入棺材期间,要昼夜轮流守护在死老铺侧,以示服孝,叫做" 守铺"。死者入棺之后,家人守护、睡卧在棺旁,叫"守灵",也叫"困棺材" [编辑本段]搁棺

因为要选择吉日吉地安葬死者,因此,可能要停枢在家,称为"搁棺""停棺""搁棺 "的风俗,在古代常见,一般要搁七天,有的甚至搁棺十几天,几个月,现今则不常见,即 使搁棺,时间也不长。 [编辑本段]居丧

居丧是指死者家人后辈自死者断气时起服丧。男子不穿华丽的衣服,穿草鞋(现在已不常见) ;妇女则要脱去身上的装饰品,脱下彩色衣服。男女各依其与死者关系的远近,穿孝服,戴 教帽。孝子在居丧期间(一般为一月或百日)不能理发,不能同房,不能会晤亲友、参加宴会 、进寺庙等。尤其是在安葬之前,这些习俗必须严守,否则不吉。 see

When the old man was dying, such as children in its directly-related members of one side to protect, and died in the family, until the custom of song zhong "called". Put a great thing, that man can see all the children are finally failed to send a filial piety, old people often end in the life of a pity. Have children, are all the children are put to send end is blessed if old a discriminant criteria. The old man on the family will, from the bedroom is TingZhong temporarily moved on board, board is laid in poorer place with the door. It temporarily Because if people think folk in bed. The soul would be hanging in bed, cannot turn. Some places have died in the board if old children die as if the standard of filial piety, the old man on the bed, the gas to swallow their will into. Infant family, though not transferred to court, but also is the earth

moved before bed. If the dead and elders, death, also don't move is atrium. In many places, people die, family will burn, called "paper", some local received more understand, call: "burning gas paper" fall. In addition, people MingFang firecrackers, one is dead, two is that went to the neighbors indigoeyes. After death, the family to surround the deceased wail, death is forbidden to cry. [the] indigoeyes editor

After death, the family should old died out as soon as possible to relatives and friends, or ascend indigoeyes reported to distant relatives, death, to tell the opening date of buried crane. The son to wear XiaoFu indigoeyes mourning, to others, hat, cannot take the door, someone to meet, his theory, KouShou. [editor this section RuLian]

The former, the coffin of cosmetic, such as and when his body scrub, change clothes wear, etc, and then to BaiChou (some place also use money) face. Folk thought, not to die of old wear fur leather pants, otherwise the dead will reincarnate for beast, For the dress, don't be tears into dead, or later dream will not see the dead. Some local requirements for dead old MuShu with a mirror. In the dead died after 24 hours, should choose good moments from the body in the coffin, and then move when the head is like a, ChaoLi feet outwards.

[editor this segment] keep shop

The old man died LaoGuRen death to formally put coffin, day and night guard in tianjin and dead turn to serve, keep shop, called "filial piety". The family after the coffin, protect, and lay in coffins, called "left", also called "trapped coffin". [editor this segment] put aside

Because the ground should choose a buried the dead fudge, therefore, may be stopped at home, called "axis" or "stop" aside. "" "Put the custom of", in ancient times, to put seven days commonly, some even put coffins 10 days, months, now is not common, namely that aside, long ". [editor this segment] mourning

Blue is the family legacy to snuff out from the dead rise when in mourning. Men don't wear expensive clothes and sandals (now has no common), Women should undressed decorations, take off color clothes. Men and women with the relationship between the various according to the distance, wear XiaoFu, wear teach cap. During the mourning son in January or (100) for her hair, can not meet friends, not to attend the banquet, into the temple, etc. Especially in the burial customs, these must be strictly before, or not.

