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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《中国法制史中国法制史课程简介》,欢迎阅读!


展规律的课程以中国法律制度的递嬗演变为主线,综合研究中国历史上各主要政权的法律制度兼以研究蕴藏于法律制度背后的法律精神和法律文化的一门法学重要基础课程。中国法制史是全国法学科学14门必修的核心课程之一,同时又是法律史学的重要组成部分,是一门法学历史学的交叉学科课程容浩如瀚海,博大精深。从时间上看,其起于唐虞,绵亘四千余年,具有极深长历史,从原始简约的夏商法制,再到恢宏大气、成熟审慎的隋唐法制,又到近现代中华民国及革命根据地之法制。 中国法制之历史薪火相传四千余年,是一种质地纯洁的未被横刀截断过的法制发展过程,其总体的发展脉络、相互间的继承发展关系是非常清晰的。按照各历史时期法制的指导思想、内容、风格特色等考量因素,我们将此门课程的体系脉络大致分为中国早期法制(习惯法时代)、战国以后的古代法制(封建法制时代)、近现代法制等部分。其中,中国早期法制细分为夏、商、西周及春秋时期的法制等四部分;战国以后的古代法制分为战国时期、秦汉时期、三国两晋南北朝时期、隋唐时期、宋元明清时期等五个具体历史段落;近现代法制则又分为清末变法、南京临时政府、北洋政府、南京国民政府和革命根据地新民主政权等五个时期。






中国法制史教程一般都是按照时间的先后顺序来编排内容的。其中既有刑事民事又有经济行政既有沿革继承又有变化发展。这就要求我们在学习的过程中,要注意中国法制史内容上的连贯性, 要前后贯通,纵横结合。所谓前后贯通, 横结合, 即是在学习中国法制史时, 把前后相关内容联系起来并进行比较。


中国法制史作为法学核心专业基础课程以中国法律制度的形成、发展为主线,具有时间跨度长、涵盖内容广、专有名词多等特点, 给自学带来了一定的难度。所以,要学好中国法制史,必须全面学习,突出重点。特别是在中国法制发展史上具有重大影响的事件或制度


Chinese Legal History is the core teaching subject facing the 21st century for university law courses, which is also the keystone teaching subject at the state level in the“TWELVE-Five”general higher education plan. The course , composed of an introduction and 16 chapters, dissertates systemically the basic theory and the main contents of the 5000 years long history of the Chinese law . During the teaching , teachers pay special attention to absorbing the new research achievement of the law history study f rom home and abroad and widening the student’s field of vision of legal literature so as to train and improve the student’s academic analyzing ability. The book reflects the latest development of the present study in Chinese law history study and the teaching material compilation .

The history of passing the legal China legend of more than four thousand years, is the legal development process of a pure texture is not horizontal truncation of its development, the overall mutual inheritance and development relationship is very clear. According to the guiding ideology, content and style characteristics of the legal system in the various historical periods, we can divide the system of this course into the following parts: the early Chinese legal system (customary law), the Warring States period, the feudal legal system, and the modern legal system. Among them, Chinese early legal subdivided into summer, Shang and Western Zhou Dynasty and the spring and Autumn period by four parts; when the ancient legal system into the Warring States period, the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Three Kingdoms period, northern and Southern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties, Ming and Qing Dynasties five specific historical passages; modern legal system is divided into the new democracy the regime of five periods during the late Qing Dynasty, the Nanjing provisional government, the Beiyang government, the Nanjing national government and the revolutionary base.

The significance of studying the legal history of China is very important. First of all, it is conducive to the development of our country's independent legal philosophy and system. Secondly, it is advantageous to inherit and develop our country's traditional outstanding legal spirit and culture. Finally, it is advantageous to improve the students' knowledge structure, and provide the students' comprehensive quality. To learn the meaning of the history of the legal system of china.

Chinese legal history is a cross subject, which mainly studies the origin, development, evolution and law of the legal system in Chinese history. It is a subject of studying the origin of Chinese legal system and the essence, characteristic, function and development of various types of legal system in Chinese history. It is not only related to the history of the various departments of the part, but also to the history, the Chinese have a certain foundation. To relax, learn the knowledge of China's legal history, we suggest that we start from the following aspects:

1. the study of the history of Chinese legal system, the first to cultivate the interest of learning

Also need a lot of people think that the history of China's legal system is boring, but it is an important professional basic course, in the whole legal education plays an important position. Learning Chinese legal history has a lot of "function", therefore,

