
2023-12-25 13:18:09   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语佳句》,欢迎阅读!

1.When what we are is what we want tobe, that s happiness. 所谓幸福就是,成为自己想要成为的人。

点评 如此说来,没有人是幸福的。因为人的欲望根本无法满足。

2.Opportunities are often things you haven t noticed the first time around. 机会就是那个第一次出现时你没有把握住的东西。 点评 翻译得有点勉强,大家凑付着理解吧。

3.In the space age the most important space is between the ears. 太空时代最重要的空间,就在两耳之间。

点评 一开始读的时候有些不知所云的感觉,仔细一想,两耳之间,不就是大脑嘛。 所以,原文也可译为,太空时代就是头脑时代。

4.Igenerally avoid temptation unless I can t resistit.

一般情况下我都会拒绝诱惑,除非无法抗拒。 点评 多么坦诚的狡辩啊。男士们,注意了!当你做坏事被老婆抓到的时候,就可以用到这句话了。

5.Aloud voice cannot compete with a clear voice, even if it s a whisper. 高声讲话比不上清楚的表达,即便那只是耳语。简单点讲就是,有理不在声高。 点评 相信我吧,这句话绝对不是讲给那些吐字不清的人听的。

6.What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. 与人微笑,如同阳光播撒鲜花。

点评 自我感觉这句翻译得最好,简直是无敌,嘿嘿。

7.Trust yourself. You know more than you think youdo. 相信自己。你知道的要比自己以为的多。 点评 此句适用于任何情况,考试除外。

8.When I was born I was so surprised I couldn t talk for a year and a half. 当我出生的时候,我惊奇地发现我竟然有一年半不能讲话。

点评 绝对经典。如果下次有人在你面前滔滔不绝,你就这样跟他讲好了。

9.Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.


点评 看看人家外国男人的觉悟,要想成功就要专一。再来看看我们中国男人,不成功还好,旦成功就没有不包二奶的。

10.Age is not important unless you re a cheese. 年龄并不重要,除非你是一块奶酪。

点评 好险,幸好女人的保质期比奶酪长。


21.When a man has once loved a woman, he will do anything for her, except continue to love her.

如果一个男人曾爱过一个女人,他将为她做任何事情,除了再爱她。 点评 作为女人,这句话,我是比较难以接受的,男士们有何评论吗?

22.The mere process of growing old together will make the slightest acquaintance seem a bosom friend.


点评 日久生情就是这个道理。一双拖鞋穿久了都会有感情,舍不得扔,何况是人呢。

23.Benefits should be conferred graduallyand in that way they will taste better. 利益应当逐步而来,这样它们才更有滋味。

点评 估计商人们都不同意这句话,至少我感觉工资涨得越快越好。

24.Good birth is a fine thing, but the merit is our ancestor. 出身显赫固然是好事,但那是我们祖先留下来的荣耀。 点评 怎么听都有股酸酸的味道。

25.There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory. 世上有很多人把他们的想像当成了记忆。

点评 下次听爷爷奶奶讲想当年的时候,我要考虑真实性了。

26.You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time———Abraham Lincoln.


点评 这句话是林肯讲的,俺的偶像,俺就不评了。

27.Fame usually comes to those who are thinking about something else.


点评 偷梁换柱, T rue love usually comes to those who are think ing about something else.呵呵

28. A man who fears suffering is already suffering from.

害怕受苦的人其实已经在受苦了。点评 我害怕爱情,为什么我的爱情还没有到来?

29.Content makes poor man rich discontent makes rich man poor. 知足之心让穷人感觉富足,贪得无厌让富人欲壑难填。

点评 套句中国的老话就是,知足者长乐。只是不知道这个世界上有几个懂得知足,有感恩之心的人。

