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In addition, this shop provides various types of practical sample essays, such as complete sentences, famous sayings, quotations, aphorisms, sayings, poems, signatures, slogans, blessings, other models, etc. If you want to know more Please pay attention to the different formats and writing methods of the model essay!
第 1 页 共 2 页
一、食品安全,全民行动; 二、保障食品安全,构建和谐社会。 三、食品安全,从我做起;
四、严厉打击制售假冒伪劣和不合格食品违法行为; 五、民以食为天,食以安为先; 六、举报食品违法行为人人有责;
七、严厉打击食品非法添加和滥用食品添加剂行为; 八、共建诚信家园,同铸食品安全; 九、加强食品安全监管,保障和改善民生; 十、依法诚信生产经营,自觉维护食品安全;
第 2 页 共 2 页