【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《常用英语口语100句:初次见面》,欢迎阅读!

Nancy:“Nice to meet you.” and “Nice to meet you too.” Victor:简单吧!
Nancy:Victor, we only use these special words talking about when we meet someone first time, and first time only. Victor:不过需要注意的是,说这句话,一定是在初次见面的时候才行哦。
Nancy:If you already know the person, you will say “Nice to see you.”
Victor:和理解的人再次见面,则要说nice to see you,注意初次用meet以后再见就用see喽。
Nancy:This works in both casual and formal situations. So that’s good.
Nancy:Victor, I say it to you, nice to meet you. Victor:Nice to meet you too. Nancy:You say it to me.
Victor:Nice to meet you, Nancy. Nancy:Nice to meet you too.