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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《节气之惊蛰(英文译本)》,欢迎阅读!

Introduced: insects (j l ng B), it is the third solar term of 24 solar terms.Have put on March 5th or 6th, the sun arrived at longitude 345 degrees is the insects awaken, then the rise of temperature quickly, zhejiang has a thunderbolt, stirring, the weather warms up, surprised zhi means heart beginning, wake up dormant in underground insects hibernate rock is a hidden meaning.Departure pulled seventy-two hou the, said: "the day of February, everything to shock, shock for ray, reason, surprised zhi insect sting is surprised and ran away."Jin dynasty poet tao yuanming poems said: "to promote through (gau) with the spring rain, beginning LeiFaDong corner, the potential of each sub - _u I grass water in vertical and horizontal shu" in fact, the insect is can't hear the thunder, the earth rejuvenation, the weather is warming is causing them to not hibernate, "surprised and ran away,. Chinese ancient insects can be divided into three syndrome:" a HouTao beginning China;Two hou bin A (yellowhammer) tolls;Three HouYing hon."Description into the air, peach red, and white, orioles season of crying, swallow does. According to the general law of climatic, insects around before and after the weather has begun to warm, the rain more, most of the region has entered the spring

介绍:惊蛰( j l ngB),是24节气中的第三个节气。有弃35日或6日,太阳到达黄经345度时

即为惊蛰,这时气温回升较快,浙有春雷萌动,惊蛰的意思是天气回暖,春雷始鸣,惊醒蛰伏于地下冬眠 的昆虫鳌是藏的意思。《月令七十二候集解》中说:“二月节,万物出乎震,震为雷,故曰惊蛰是 蛰虫惊而出走矣。”晋代诗人陶渊明有诗曰:“促春透(gau)时雨,始雷发东隅,众势各潜-_u I草水纵 横舒”实际上,昆虫是听不到雷声的,大地回春,天气变暖才是使它们结未冬眠,“惊而出走,的原因。 我国古代将惊蛰分为三候:“一候桃始华;二候仓A(黄鹉);三候鹰化为鸿。”描述已是进入仲春,

桃花红、李花白,黄莺呜叫、燕飞来的时节。按照一般气侯规律,惊蛰前后各地天气已开始转暖,雨水渐 多,大部分地区都已进入了春耕

In origin, and other solar term with, surprised zhi date and also no link to the lunar calendar every year on March 4, _7 day, the sun to rot 3 degrees longitude as the "insects awaken" insects awaken mean inspiratory, heart beginning, wake up dormant in underground insects hibernate.Insects awaken thunder most attention such as "don't too surprised the aojiang thunder first, 49 vitreous don't open" insects awaken throttle in cold warm at first time, the late according to changes in temperature forecast weather proverb: "cold surprised zhi, warm vernal equinox", etc.Insects awaken section of the wind are the basis of a late used to forecast the weather.Such as "another winter insects. J north, from the beginning,. Insects awaken the south wind blowing, sleeve seedlings late planting 11.Before, during and after the modern meteorological science suggests that "insects, it is occasional thunder, it is the high humidity, deep and prompted the earth near the ground heat up or north of hot and humid air force caused by the strong and active.

由来:和其他节气年目同,惊蛰日期也和农历没有必然联系每年34_7日,太阳到达黄经3朽度时 为“惊蛰”惊蛰的意思是吸气回暖,春雷始鸣,惊醒蛰伏于地下冬眠的昆虫。惊蛰雷鸣最引人注意如 “未过惊鳌先打雷,四十九天云不开”惊蛰节气正处乍寒乍暖之际,根据冷暖预测后期天气的谚语有: “冷惊蛰,暖春分”等。惊蛰节的风也有用来作预测后期天气的依据。如“惊蛰舌.J北风,从头另过冬” .惊蛰吹南风,袂苗迟下种11。现代气象科学表明,“惊蛰,前后,之所以偶有雷声,是大地湿度渊高而促 使近地面热气上升或北上的湿热空气势力较强与活动频繁所致。

习俗:1,祭白虎化解是非。中国的民间传说白虎是口舌、是非之神,每年都会在这天出来觅食,开口噬 人。犯之则在这年之内,常遭邢恶小人对你兴波作浪,阻挠你的前程支展,引致百般不顺大家为了自保, 便在惊蛰那天祭白虎。所谓祭白虎,是指拜祭用纸绘制的白老虎,纸老虎一般为黄色黑斑纹,口角画有 一对撩牙拜祭时,需以肥猪血喂之,使其吃地后不再出口伤人,继而以生猪肉抹在纸老虎的嘴上,使之 充满油水,不能张口说人是非2,“打小人”驱赶霉运。惊蛰象征二月份的开始,会平地一声雷,咦醒


艾草,熏家中四角,以香味驱赶蛇、虫、蚊、aq.和霉味,久而久之,渐渐演变成不顺心者拍打对头人和驱 赶霉运的习惯,亦即“打小人,的前身

养生:惊蛰时节人体的肝阳之气渐升,阴血相对不足,养生应顺乎阳气的升发、万物始生的特点,使自身 的精神、情志、气血也如春日一4舒招羲畅达,生机盎然。从饮声护方面来看,惊蛰时节饮食起居应顺奸之性,

助益脾气,令五胜和平.宜多吃富含植物蛋白质、维生素的清淡磷犷物,少食动物脂肪类食物可多食鸭血、 菠菜、芦荟、水萝卜、苦瓜、木耳菜、芹菜、油菜、山药、莲子、4味月等食物。由于春季与肝相应,如养 生不当则可伤肝。现代流行病学调查亦证实,惊蛰属肝病的高发季节。此外,诸如流惑、流脑、水痘、带 状抱疹、流行性出血热等在这一节气都易流行爆发,因此要严防此类疾病。

