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英语 单词still的用法是非常广泛的,我们应该要知道它实际的中文意思。下面我们就来看看英文单词still具体所包含的中文意思,欢迎大家阅读!
英 [stɪl] 美 [stɪl]
副词 仍,仍然; 更,还要; 静静地; 〈诗〉常,不断地
形容词 不动的,静止的; 不狂暴的,温柔的; 没有活力的,死气沉沉的 名词 平静,寂静; 剧照; 静止摄影; 蒸馏器
及物/不及物动词 (使某物)平静下来,安静; 〈古〉烧(酒),蒸馏 连词 但是; 然而 例句
1. The sea was calm and still. 大海风平浪静。
2. He is good-natured, still I don't like him. 他脾气很好,可是我还是不喜欢他。
3. It's hot today, but it'll be still hotter tomorrow. 今天很热,但明天会更热。
1. Li is taking a long view, saying his business is still at the end of winter and marching to spring.
2. Yet China still pins a great deal of its hope to economic growth to further its development across the board.
3. She expects the domestic business will grow further next year because it is still a very small part of the firm's total trade. 4. However, intermediary agencies say business is still booming in the mainland.
5. She stressed the new exam would still be a language proficiency test, not a professional business exam.
6. But at the end of the day, it's still business opportunity that counts.
7. The regulation still does not permit these enterprises to engage in tobacco business.
8. The famous chafing dish restaurant street in downtown
Chengdu's Yulin District still sees prospering business on Tuesday night.
9. With many Western countries still mired in the global
recession, emerging Eastern economies are attracting new programs and business school organizations.
1. (与 further, another, more 等连用强调数量惊人或极大)更,还 You use still in expressions such as still further ,still another, and still more to show that you find the number or quantity of things you are referring to surprising or excessive.
e.g. We look forward to strengthening still further our already close co-operation with the police service...
我们期盼着进一步加强和警方的合作,形成更加紧密的合作关系。 e.g. Why did the bank not conduct its own audit before lending still more?
银行为 什么 不在贷出更多钱之前先审计自己的账目呢? 2. (与比较级连用强调某种特点)更,还要