【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《道岔和交叉_英文词汇》,欢迎阅读!

道岔和交叉 turnouts and crossings; switches and crossings 道岔 turnout
单开道岔 simple turnout; lateral turnout
单式对称道岔;双开道岔 symmetrical double curve turnout; equilateral turnout
单式不对称道岔;不对称双开道岔 unsymmetrical double curve turnout; unequilateral turnout 单式同侧道岔 unsymmetrical double curve turnout in the same direction
三开道岔 symmetrical double turnout; symmetrical three throw turnout; three-way turnout; two-sided double turnout
不对称三开道岔 unsymmetrical double turnout; unsymmetrical three throw turnout; unsymmetrical three-way turnout; one-sided double turnout 左开道岔 left hand turnout 右开道岔 right hand turnout 交叉 crossing
菱形交叉 diamond crossing
直角交叉 right angle crossing; rectangular crossing; square crossing 交分道岔 slip switch
单式交分道岔 single slip switches 复式交分道岔 double slip switches 渡线 crossover
交叉渡线 scissors crossing; double crossover 平行渡线 parallel crossover 梯线 ladder track
套线 overlapping of lines; interlacing of lines 套线道岔 mixed gauge turnout
道岔主线 main line of turnout; main track of turnout; turnout main
道岔侧线 branch line of turnout; branch track of turnout; turnout branch; diverging track of turnout 导曲线 lead curve
导曲线半径 radius of lead curve 导曲线支距 offset of lead curve
道岔中心 center of turnout; intersection point; mathematical point 辙叉 frog; crossing
辙叉角 frog angle; crossing angle 辙叉号数 frog number 道岔号数 turnout number 道岔始端 beginning of turnout 道岔终端 end of turnout
尖轨 switch rail; tongue rail; switch point; blade 直线尖轨 straight switch 曲线尖轨 curved switch
尖轨理论尖端 theoretical point of switch rail 尖轨尖端 actual point of switch rail 尖轨跟端 heel of switch rail
曲线出岔道岔 turnout from curved track
辙叉心轨理论尖端 theoretical point of frog; theoretical nose of crossing 辙叉心轨尖端 actual point of frog; actual nose of crossing 辙叉趾端 toe end of frog; frog toe 辙叉跟端 heel end of frog; frog heel 道岔基线 reference line of turnout 道岔全长 total length of turnout
道岔理论长度 theoretical length of turnout 道岔实际长度 actual length of turnout 道岔理论导程 theoretical lead of turnout
道岔前部理论长度 projection of the distance between the theoretical point of switch rail and the centre of turnout on the reference line; front part theoretical length of turnout
道岔后部理论长度 projection of the distance between the centre of turnout and the theoretical point of frog on the reference line; rear part theoretical length of turnout
道岔前部实际长度 projection of the distance between the beginning of turnout and the centre of turnout on the reference line; front part actural length of turnout
道岔后部实际长度 projection of the distance between the centre of turnout and the end of turnout on the reference line; rear part actual length of turnout 尖轨长度 length of switch rail
尖轨尖端前基本轨长度 length of stock rail ahead of actual point of switch rail 辙叉趾长 toe length of frog 辙叉跟长 heel length of frog 辙叉趾宽 toe spread of frog 辙叉跟宽 heel s[read of frog 尖轨动程 throw of switch
护轨与心轨的查照间隔 guard check gauge; check gauge 护背距离 guard face gauge;back gauge
辙叉有害空间 gap in the frog; open throat; unguarded flange-way 转辙角 switch angle 冲击角 angle of impact 辙叉咽喉 throat of frog
轮缘槽 flangeway; flange clearance 转辙器 switch
可弯式尖轨转辙器 flexible switch 间隔铁式尖轨转辙器 loose heel switch
高锰钢整铸辙叉 solid manganese steel frog; cast manganese steel frog 钢轨组合辙叉 bolted rigid frog; assembled frog 可动心轨辙叉 movable-point frog 可动翼轨辙叉 movable-wing frog 钝角辙叉 obtuse frog 锐角辙叉 end frog; acute frog 曲线辙叉 curved frog 基本轨 stock rail
密贴尖轨 closed switch rail; close contact between switch point and stock rail 淬火尖轨 surface-hardened switch rail; quenched switch rail
特种断面尖轨 switch rail made of special section rail; special heavy section switch rail; tongue rail made of special section rail; full-wed section switch rail 翼轨 wing rail
心轨 point rail; nose rail 道岔护轨 turnout guard rail 尖轨护轨 switch point guard rail 尖轨保护器 switch protector 道岔拉杆 switch rod; stretcher bar
道岔连接杆 connecting bar; following stretcher bar 间隔铁 filler; spacer block 尖轨补强板 reinforcing bar 滑床板 slide plate; switch plate