
2022-12-23 05:58:15   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《送别客户商务英语对话》,欢迎阅读!


以下是送别客户的商务英语对话,一起来看看吧。 Conversation 1 对话1

ANow,lt's 8:30. We arrive just on time. A:现在是830分,我们正好按时到达。

BOK. I think I have to buy the departure tax. B:噢,我想我得去买机场费。 ALet me do it for you. A:我去吧!

BThank you very much. Mr. Liu,I have to say good-bye now. But before thatI'd like to say it has been a very pleasant and productive trip for me. Your company has left me a very good impression, and I am deeply moved by your hospitality. I think our cooperation will be a very successful one.

B:非常感谢。刘先生,我得说再见了。在此之前我想说: 这次旅行非常愉快,并有成效;你们公司给我留下了很 好的印象,我深深地被你们的热情所感动,我想我们的 合作将会很成功的`

CThank you very much, Mr. Washington. You are playing a very important part in the cooperation. We hope we can hear from you soon. C:非常感谢,华盛顿先生。你在这次活动中起着非常重 要的作用。我们期待着早日听到你们的回音。

A Here is the receipt of the airport fee. A:这是机场费收据。

BMiss Li, my dear friend. Thank you very much for all your help. You are really very helpful and thoughtful. I believe Mr. Liu is very lucky to have your assistance.

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B:李小姐,我亲爱的朋友。对于你给予的所有帮助我表 示非常感谢。你对我的帮助非常大,想得非常周到。 我想李先生有你做助手非常幸运。 AThank you. It's very kind of you to say so. I'm really happy for having worked with you for a few days. I really hope to see you again some day and we are looking forward to hearing from you. A:谢谢。你这么说真是太好了。我很快乐与你工作这几 天,我真诚希望有一天再见到你,期待你的消息。 BThank you again. Bye-bye. B:再次感谢。再见!

CWe wish you a safe and pleasant journey home. C:祝你平安顺利到家。 AHave a nice journey. A:—路平安。

BThank you. Bye-bye. B:谢谢。再见! Conversation 2 对话2

A:OKMr. Wang. Thank you very much for coming to the airport to see us off. Your great country and your hospitality have left a very deep impression on all of us and your working attitude and your way of doing business have changed my opinions about Chinese people. A:王先生,非常感谢你到机场为我们送行。你们伟大的 国家和你的好客,给我们所有的人留下了深刻的印象。 你对工作的态度和做生意的方式改变了我对中国人的 看法。

B Really? I'm glad to hear that. B:真的吗?你这么说我很快乐。

AThat's true. And this trip has been a very productive one for us.

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