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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《穿过指缝的阳光》,欢迎阅读!

穿过指缝的阳光 ()艾柯

The Ice Breaker一见如故

It was the perfect settinga beautiful log house on forty acres of land. We had a solid marriage; we even had the loyal family dog. All that was missing was kids. We had tried for many years to have children, but it just never happened. So my husband, Al, and I applied to be foster parents. We decided we should start with an older child for a number of good reasons. Since we both worked, child care might be a problem. Corby, our springer spaniel and our only ''child'' thus far might be a bit too energetic for a young child to handle. And frankly, we novices1 were a little nervous about taking on an infant. We sat back to wait the few months they thought it might take to get a school-age childwhich was why we were floored when the agency called us within weeks, just before Christmas, and asked if we would take Kaleb, a two-and-a-half-year old boy, for a few months. It was an emergency, and he needed a home right away.


This wasn't what we had discussed so rationally2 a few weeks before. There were so many difficulties it was such short notice, we had made holiday plans and most of all, the boy was a toddler3! We went back and forth, and in the end, we just couldn't say no.

''It's only for a couple of months,'' my husband assured me. It would all work out, we told each other, but privately I was full of doubts.

The day was set for Kaleb to arrive. The car pulled up to our house and I saw Kaleb through the car window. The reality of the situation hit me and I felt my stomach tighten. What were we doing? This child we didn't know anything about was coming to live with us. Were we really ready to take this on? Glancing at my husband, I knew the same thoughts were going through his mind.




We went outside to greet our little guest. But before we could even reach the child, I heard a noise from behind me. Turning, I saw Corby tearing down4 the steps and heading straight for the little boy. In our hurry, we must not have closed the door completely. I gasped. Corby, in all her excitement, would frighten Kaleb probably even knock him down. Oh no, I thought, what a way to start our first meeting! Kaleb will be so terrified he won't even want to go into the house with us. This whole thing's just not going to work out!

Corby reached Kaleb before either of us could grab her. She bounded up to the boy and immediately began licking his face in a frenzy of joy. In response, this darling little boy threw his arms around the dog's neck and turned toward us. His face alight with ecstasy5, he cried, ''Can this be my dog?''

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My eyes met my husband's and we stood there, smiling at each other. In that moment, our nervousness disappeared, and we knew everything would be just fine.

Kaleb came to stay those few months. Eight and a half years later, he is still with us. Yes, we adopted Kaleb. He became our son, and Corby... well, she couldn't have been happier. She turned out to be Kaleb's dog, after all.





Waiting for the Breeze等待微风

"No air conditioning? How can you sleep?" a friend asks, horrified. I've just revealed that my family has decided to shut the air conditioner off and trim our electric bill.

"Nobody opens a window, day or night," warns another friend, whose windows have been painted shut for a decade. "This is the 90s. It's not safe."

On this first night of our cost-cutting adventure, it's only 85 degrees. We're not going to suffer, but the three kids grumble anyway. They've grown up in 72-degree comfort, insulated from the world outside.

不开空调?你们怎么睡得着啊?一个朋友问道,显然有些惊异。我刚刚透露,我们全家决定关掉空调,以降低电费开支。 不管是白天还是晚上,都没有人会开窗的。另一个朋友提醒到,她家的窗户刷过漆后,关闭十多年了。现在是90年代了,不安全。


"How do you open these windows?" my husband asks. Jiggling the metal tabs, he finally releases one. A potpourri1 of bug bodies decorates the sills. As we spring the windows one by one, the night noises howl outsideand in.

"It's too hot to sleep," my 13-year-old daughter moans.

"I'm about to die from this heat," her brother hollers down the hall. "just try it tonight," I tell them.

In truth I'm too tired to argue for long. I'm exhausted after attending Grandma' s estate auction. I toted home her oval tin bathtub and the chair I once stood on like a big shot behind the counter of her store.

你怎么把这些窗户打开啊?丈夫问道,他轻微地晃动着金属插销,终于让一扇窗松动了。各种各样的虫子的尸体装点着窗台。当我们把窗户一扇又一扇地弹开时,家里很快充斥了外面夜晚的喧嚣。 睡不着,太热了。”13岁的女儿抱怨道。 我简直快热死了。她哥哥走下客厅,大发牢骚。 今晚只是试试。我告诉他们。


My face is sweaty, but I lie quietly listening to the cricket choirs outside that remind me of

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childhood. The neighbor's dog howls. Probably a trespassing2 squirrel. It's been years since I've taken the time to really listen to the night.

I think about Grandma, who lived to 92 and still supervised Mom's gardening until just a few weeks before she died. And then, I'm back there at her house in the summer heat of my childhood. I move my pillow to the foot of Grandma's bed and angle my face toward the open window. I flip the pillow, hunting for the cooler side.

Grandma sees me thrashing3. "If you'll just watch for the breeze," she says, "you'll cool off and fall asleep."


我想起了活到92岁的外婆,她一直照看着我妈妈的花园,直到去世前的几个星期。于是,我恍惚又回到了童年的炎炎夏日,我住在她的房子里。我把枕头移到外婆的床尾,转过脸来,面向开着的窗户,再把枕头翻过来,捕捉每一丝凉意。 外婆见我翻来覆去,说道:如果你只是等待清风,很快就会凉爽下来并睡着的。

She cranks up the Venetian blinds. I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. Lying still, waiting, I suddenly notice the life outside the window. The bug chorus shouts "A jooga! Ajooga!" Neighbors, porch-sitting late, speak in hazy4 words that soothe me.

"Keep watching for the breeze," Grandma says softly, and I "uhhuh" in reply. June bugs ping the screen. Three blocks away the Friso train rumbles across Roosevelt Avenue. I catch the scent of fresh grass chppings. Then I hear something I can't decodeperhaps a tree branch raking5 the asphalt shingles on the store roof next door.




Sleepy-eyed now, I focus on the curtain. It flutter...

"Mom, did you hear that?" my seven-year-old blurts, "I think it was an owl family." "Probably," I tell him, "Just keep listening..."

Without the droning air conditioner, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered night noises seem close enough to touch.

I hope I'm awake tonight when the first breeze sneaks in.


妈妈,那个声音你听见了吗?我七岁的儿子突然说道,我想是猫头鹰一家。 可能吧,我告诉他,只要继续听……”

没有空调沉闷的嗡嗡声,屋子格外的宁静,夜籁之音未经过滤,似乎近在咫尺,触手可及。 今晚,当第一缕清风悄悄潜入时,但愿我还未入眠。

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