
2022-05-05 01:28:22   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《大学英语精读3短语》,欢迎阅读!
给这个词下定义 竖起了它的耳朵 社会旧习 define the word prick up its ears conventions of society 反感这种对待 微风中清波荡漾 摇摇晃晃的酒鬼 resent the treatment ripple in the breeze tottering drunks 使学生沮丧 在树上空盘旋 隐士住的山洞 frustrate the students hover over the trees a hermit’s cave 宣战 兄弟之间的纽带 此刻的风云人物 declare war A bond between brothers the man of the hour 对结果做出评估 让你在上面走的地毯 英雄人物 evaluate the result a carpet for you to walk on heroic figures 履行义务 “啪”的一声合上门 决定未来的气势 perform one’s duty snap the door to an air of destiny 缩小差距 在当时场合下过于严肃 咄咄逼人的眼光 narrow the gap be serious out of proportion to a fiery glance

扩大业务 the occasion 对战争的恐慌 expand business 去野餐 war scare 陈述事实 go for a picnic 落石如雨 present the facts 伸手搂抱她 a shower of stones 认识自己的优缺点 put one’s arms round her 一小撮捣乱子

realize one’s strengths and weakness 互相挠背 a handful of trouble-makers

进入职场 scratch each other back 拉起帷幕 enter the work word 不出版,就完蛋 lift the curtain 学会管理个人财务 publish or perish 对此待遇耿耿于怀

learn to handle one’s personal finances 将人民币变成可兑换的货币 resent the treatment

凡事都得请父母做主 make RMB convertible 计算价格 have excessive need for parental 寻找真理 calculate the price

approval seek the truth 没收财产 为我们将来如何扮演男人或女人的角抛弃旧俗 confiscate one’s property

色做准备 discard conventions 招来嘲笑

project our future roles as men or woman讽刺人的虚荣和奢侈 draw ridicule

逐步培养和建立自己的宗教信仰、道德satirize people’s vanity and extravagance 得罪老板


那岛上没住人,并且因为没有饮用水,offend the boss internalize religious faith,value and

也没法住人 犯叛国罪 morals the island is uninhabited,and commit treason

学会选择着装 being without 打消这种想法 learn to choose one’s wardrobe 倾佩他们的勇气 dismiss the idea 确定个人身份 admire their courage 埋葬死者 establish one’s identity 玩忽职守 bury the dead 怀疑并反抗旧观念 neglect one’s duty 宣布破产 question and rebel against old ideas 逃避结果 announce bankruptcy 向权威叫板并挑战 escape the consequence 挑战权威 defy and challenge authority 从记忆中消除 challenge the authority 布置房间 delete sth. From one’s memory 篡改规定 decorate a room 负责指挥 bend the rules 使我魂牵梦萦 take command 反对这个决定 be my haunting memory 挡路 oppose the decision 深深吸了口气 block the way 密谋暗杀 take a deep breath 毁掉名誉 plot murder 给以暗示 ruin one’s reputation 诊断为肝癌 give a hint 年久失修的防御工事 diagnose liver cancer 伸长脖子 neglected fortifications 使事情复杂化 stretch one’s neck 临时占用的简陋小屋 complicate the matter 在河上漂流 a squatter’s hut 使低落情绪重新振作起来 drift on the river 储物缸 recharge a flagging spirit 不再深究 a storage jar 重温童年 let it go at that 容易变质的商品 recapture one’s childhood

perishable goods 审问嫌疑犯 interrogate the suspect 切断电源

disconnect the power 他那毫无表情的黑眼睛 his dead black eyes

他那像酒桶一样的胸膛 his hogshead of a chest 一副公事公办的样子 with a businesslike air 一阵强烈的恐惧感 a sharp felling of panic 崎岖的小路 rude paths


a series of intricate loops 猎狐的学问

the lore of the fox hunt 狐狸躲避猎人的伎俩 the dodges of the fox 布满茂密树林的山脊 a thickly wooded ridge 向四周铺开的树枝

outspread branches of a tree 勉强凑合地 after a fashion 一个狩猎狂 a zealous hunter 世界死一般的寂静

the silence of a dead world 天空中的一抹暗灰 a dingy gray in the sky 树叶组成的屏障 a screen of leaves 紧绷的肌肉 tense muscles 憋着的一口气 the pent-up air 异乎寻常的本领 uncanny power 因恐怖引起的颤抖 a shudder of cold horror 传遍他的全身

through his whole being 锐利的眼睛 searching eyes 伸出的枝干

potruding boughs 浓密的被

dense egetation 竭尽全力 a violent effort 猛烈的攻击 a savage attack

一种平静的消遣活动 a placid pastime

被雷电烧焦的一棵树 a lighting-charred tree 轻轻的脚步声

a padding sound of feet 削尖了的柱子 the pointed stakes 难以想象的一线机会 a wild chance

一个男人瘦削的身影 the lean figure of a man 小树的反弹

the recoil of the springing sapling 房子阴沉灰色的石头

the gloomy gray stone of the house 一片绿色的水域

a green expanse of water 一丝不快

a slight annoyance

虽然累但心情十分舒畅的 deliciously tired 一只困兽 a beast at bay 扬起眉毛

raise one’s eyebrows 承认失败

acknowledge one’s defeat 小口喝酒 sip one’s wine 保持镇静

keep one’s nerve 留下痕迹 leave a trace 估计形式

take stock of the situation 误入沼泽

blunder into the swamp 恢复信心

recover one’s confidence 染遍天空

varnish the sky 跪倒在地

get down on one’s knees 屏住呼吸

hold one’s breath 打败敌人

smash the enemy 包扎伤口

dress the wound 陷入淤泥

sink into the ooze 勒紧裤带

tighten one’s belt 极目而望

strain one’s eyes 口哼小曲 hum a tune 耸耸肩膀

shrug one’s shoulders 怦然关门

snap the gate shut 离开大道

strike off from the main road 控制情绪

get a grip on oneself 集中注意力

concentrate one’s attention on 延期访问

postpone the visit 度日如年

live a year in a minute

