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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《张掖丹霞英文简介》,欢迎阅读!
The Zhangye Danxia landform is also known as the eye candy of Zhangye. Many artists admire this masterpiece as it appears like a perfect painting on canvas.Zhangye Danxia Landform is concentrated predominantly in Linze and Sunan counties in Gansu Province. It is both the largest and the most typical of China's arid area danxia landforms. Because of aridity, the Zhangye Danxia Landform differs from that of south China. It is very dry and desolate, without any vegetation, so geologists call this "window lattice and palace-shaped Danxia topography”.

Zhangye Danxia Landform is surrounded by colorful hills, which seem to rise and fall like waves: with rock strata of different colors mixed in graceful disarray, it is an imposing and magnificent sight. The Zhangye's palace danxia formations and its colorful hills cover about 300 square kilometers.

Its character is unique in China, so it was nominated by the "China National Geographic" as the top 7 Danxia Landforms in the country.

Unique Characters

Magnificence is the first characteristic of it. Most mountains here are composed of precipitous cliffs, and many cliffs are several hundred meters high, giving people a strong sight shock.

Singularity is the second characteristic. In the region, Danxia cliffs, stone walls, stone pillars, stone peaks, low mountains, hills are widely distributed, as well as stone bridges of various shapes. Some peaks are like “couple peaks”, whispering with each other; some are like Skyscrapers, standing straight to the sky; some other are like palaces, appearing splendid in its momentum.

Risk is the third characteristic. There are high mountains with dramatic ups and downs, and deep valleys with ravines and gullies criss-cross. It is very daunting that many peaks are just like cut by the nature.

In addition, the Danxia landform has gorgeous colors due to the organic sediments. You can see various colors, like red, yellow, orange, green, white, black, gray, etc, making the place so colorful and splendid. In the day, the mountains are like brightly colored silks or colorful gemstones. Besides, with the changes of time and weather, the colors vary constantly, adding the visual shock of tourists.



导游的工作包括许多步骤,以地接导游工作为例:1、准备阶段:研究旅游接待计划,安排和落实旅游活动日程,做好只是准备和物质准备。 2、迎接服务:出发前,再次核实旅游团所乘坐的交通工具抵达的确切时间,并通知旅行社的行李员,旅游团抵达前半个小时到达接站地点,与司机商定停车的位置,旅游团抵达后,应持接站牌站在醒目的位置,迎接旅游团到来,旅游团出站后,主动上前同领队和全陪导游打招呼,进行自我介绍,向他们表示热烈欢迎,与领队和全陪导游员核实旅游团成员的实到人数和托运姓李的件数,并与旅行社行李员表示热烈的欢迎,及时引导旅游者上车,协助旅游者就座,并清点人数,待到人全到齐再出发,路上致欢迎辞并进行沿途讲解,旅游者下车并进去酒店,引导他们办理入住手续介绍饭店概况,行李到达后安排好行李,与领队和全陪商量活动安排,握领队和全陪联系方式,并安排第二天叫早时间,带旅游团用好第一餐。 3、导游讲解及生活服务阶段:在每次活动之前的10分钟到达一定集合地点,督促司机做好出发前的准备工作旅游者上车后应该清楚人数,向旅游者报告当日的重要新闻、天气情况、当日的活动安排和上午、晚餐的就餐时间及地点,游客到齐后抵达景点,抵达景点后介绍该景区的历史背景风格特点、地理位置,并告知旅游者在景点停留的时间以及集合地点和游览的注意事项。 4、导游讲解及生活服务阶段:在游览过程中与游客在一起,注意游客的安排,随时清点人数,除了导游讲解外,还必须在旅游者就餐、购物和观看文娱节目时候提供相应的服务,旅游团结束在当地的参观旅游的前一天,应向有关部门确认交通票据和离站时间,准备好送站的旅游车和行李车,与领队和全陪商议好第二天的叫早时间、行李时间、用早餐和出发时间,并提醒游客离店的注意事项,在离开饭店之前,主动和饭店与旅游者结清账目,办好行李交接手续,招呼游客上车,上车后清点人数,并在次提醒旅游者检查所带行李,到达车站之后把票据和行李托运票据移交给全陪导游,目送团队离开之后方可离开地点。 5、束阶段送完团队之后,应及时认真的、妥善的处理旅游团在当地参观游览遗留下的问题,按固定处理旅游者的委托事项,与旅行社结清账务,归还所接物品,做好旅游团在当地活动期间总结工作,并填写地方陪同日志,到此地接导游的接待工作才圆满结束。 此外一名优秀的导游员还要具备良好的素质:思想素质、道德素质、知识素质、技能素质、心理素质和身体素质。

()思想素质 1、爱国主义意识 爱国,在任何时代、任何国家,都是伦理道德的核心。爱祖国、爱家乡、爱社会主义制度是中国导游人员的首要美德。 2.很强的服务意识 导游人员要将全心全意为人民服务的思想与游客至上服务至上旅游服务宗旨紧密结合起来,真心实意地为游客服务。

()道德素质 衡量一个人的素质时,道德素质永远居于首位。道德素质包括政治素质和品德素质


