
2022-08-03 05:47:15   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《如何有效组织初中英语写作思路-3页文档资料》,欢迎阅读!



思维导图(mind-map)是英国教育家托尼 ? 巴赞(Tony Buzan)于20世纪60年代提出有效图形思维工具。它以绘图形式直观地呈现人放射性思维过程,使人思想过程得以可视化。思维导图以特定主题为中心,将各级知识结构用相互隶属层级图展现出来,以提高信息剖析效率。 有了思维导图,学生对要写东西就胸有成竹了。尤其对于基础较差学生来说,更是为其搭建了有力脚手架。思维导图建构利用了小组合作结果,同时教师也应留给学生足够独立思考时间,并对个人作文中独特观点进行点评分享。 二、选编配读文章

配读文章对于学生明确写作方向有很大帮助。教师可以以不同形式为学生提供相关作文主题配读文章,让学生在已有知识经验基础上进一步丰富写作视角、理清写作思路。如A Special Friend 一文,笔者从课外资源中选取了几篇与朋友相关短文,有描写具体人、有描写抽象物,幽默有趣、或感人至深。通过品读不同风格语言材料,学生对其已有英语知识与经验进一步创新加工,使写作内容与思路得到了拓展。此外,也可自编范文教师自编文章是学生语言输入途径之一,它为学生思维发展与语言输出搭建了支架。如 A/An _____ National Day Holiday 文,笔者自编了2段文本,其主题相似,但选材角度不同。一段侧重描述在外游玩旅程,一段描述在家陪伴父母经历。

A Relaxing National Day Holiday

Though I didn’t take a trip, I had a great holiday. Every morning I made breakfast for the family so that my mom could get more sleep. After breakfast I went to the market with her and decided what to eat for lunch. Home-made food was very delicious. After lunch I helped do the dishes and sweep the floor. In the afternoon I usually gave my dad a hand such as gardening and car cleaning. After dinner we took a walk around our neighborhood. I really enjoyed talking with my parents about their early life. We had a relaxing holiday together. A Wonderful National Day Holiday

During National Day holiday my family went to Shanghai Disneyland. There were so many Disney characters and attractions there. We were really excited. Hunny Pot Spin was my favorite. We sat in a pot and it turned and turned around. I felt like I was a butterfly. I also enjoyed Pirates of the Caribbean Battle because Captain Jack was a hero in my heart. My mom took lots of photos to share with friends. We also did some shopping in the shopping center. I bought something special―a dress with Mickey on it. As for food we had famous Shanghai snacks. We had a wonderful time. 无论是自范文还是利用各种书刊网络资源,配读文章都应起到帮助学生开拓写作思路、丰富写作内涵、激发表达欲望作用。这些配读材料组合往往存在着比较因素,能拓展思维深度与广度。教师应勤于收集与编写具有相同主题、相似写法或其他相通之处文章。同时要注意两点:一是确保所选材料与写作主题关联性,尽量贴近学生生活与时代发展。二是材料难易度要适应不同层次学生“最


近发展区”,能激发学生写作潜力。 三、引导换位提问


以记叙文为例,读者通常会用五个W与一个H来提问,即:what who when why where how。在讨论My Trip to _____一文时,学生们列出了以下提纲:

明确了读者想了解信息,学生就可以独立用回答问题方式来写作了。习作如下: My Trip to Mount Tai

I went to Mount Tai with my parents yesterday. We took a bus there. The bus ride was a little boring. But when we got off we were surprised to see the blue sky and green water. We started climbing at eight. There were many people climbing along the way. After 2 hours I felt tired and stopped to have a rest. We had a picnic under a tree. Everything tasted delicious because we were really hungry. When we got to the top we were so excited. The people there were very friendly. They helped us a lot when we got lost. It was a wonderful trip. I hope I can go there again

在利用这种方式展开写作活动时,问题有效性是值得关注。应注意:1. 问题数量切勿过多,导致主次不分,模糊了学生思考方向。2. 问题要有一定梯度与发散度,能激发学生从不同角度与层次去思考,增加发现新问题可能性。同时,教师作为指导者与参与者,也可设置一些有启发性问题,以触发学生丰富联想。 四、定制模型样板

样板(template 本指工匠切割材料模版。教师可根据写作任务不同设计相应形式样板,学生借助其框架表达个人观点与见解。这种方法对于表达能力弱学生或者初次接触某种题材写作学生都有很好支持作用。它能有效降低语言输出难度,提高写作活动质量。 以议论文为例,这一文体通常要回答下列问题: What’s the matter?

What do some people think of it Why What’s your opinion? Why

因此,在A Good Way to Relax一文写作任务中,教师可设计这样样板: Describe ways to relax

Describe your friend’s choice and your opinion about it (Why not…?) Describe your choice and give 35 reasons with examples Conclusion

通过这样框架,学生能更简单清晰地明确写作任务要求与方向。学生习作如下: Reading ― A Good Way to Relax

There are many ways to relax ourselves. Some people like shopping and others prefer sleeping. My sister loves travelling. She says travelling makes her feel free. I think it’s a good way, but not an easy way. Because travelling costs much money and time. In my opinion reading is a good way to relax myself. First it opens up the world to me. Reading makes my life colorful with different stories. Also reading helps develop our interests. We can read about anything we are interested in. My hobby is collecting coins. For me reading books about coins is like having an enjoyable talk. What’s more,


reading is healthy for the mind. The more you read the more you think. Thinking helps keep our mind active and clear. In a word reading is an easy and fun way to relax. 五、结语

英语写作既是学习过程,也是学生英语运用能力形成与发展过程。因此,教师绝不能忽略英语写作教学。以上几种方法帮助学生降低了写作难度、提高了写作技能、引导了方法形成,学生在写作过程中自信心与成就感都得到了很大提升 希望以上资料对你有所帮助,附励志名言3条: 1、上帝说:你要什么便取什么,但是要付出相当的代价。




