书本作文 (1)

2022-12-24 19:07:57   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《书本作文 (1)》,欢迎阅读!
1.有人认为不需要养成阅读的能力,因为只有学校或者学术机构才需要阅读能力。你是否同意这个观点。 思路:

⑴先摆出你的观点,是同意还是不同意,观点要明确,不能模棱两可。尽量选择积极的一面。 I couldnt agree with that./ I disagree with that point. ⑵不同意这个观点的要说出理由,至少三点理由。

Reading can expand our horizons. 阅读可以拓宽我们的视野。

Reading can accumulate our knowledge. 阅读可以增加我们的知识。

Reading can tell us some information used in our daily life. 可以告知我们日常生活的信息 ⑶最后给出结论:阅读对每个人来说都是有用的。我们必须提高阅读能力。 Conclusion: Reading is useful to everyone. We must develop the ability of reading.

2.“失败是成功之母。”亨瑞•福特说:“我不犯错,我从错误中能学到很多。”错误能教给我们什么呢?我们如何从错误中学习从而获得成功?要求我们举例说明。 思路:


It seems that making mistakes is an essential part of growing, whatever mistakes you or other people have made in the past.


From this experience, I learn a lot. I know that we dont need to be afraid of making mistakes, mistakes are just opportunities for learning something new. ⑶最后总结出,我们在错误中学习和成长。

We make mistakes, and learn from mistakes, grow from mistakes.

3.随着信息技术的发展,网上冲浪的人急剧增加,他们在网上做各种各样的事情,例如阅读、学习、购物甚至交朋友。有些人认为网络上可以交到真正的朋友,而有些人则持相反态度。那么你认为这种虚拟的朋友可以成为真的忠诚的朋友吗? 思路:

⑴先阐述一下,信息技术的发展让网络使用者急剧增加,网络交友的现象也比较普遍。(快节奏的生活方式fast-paced city lifestyle也导致了网络交友现象的普遍性)在这段结尾的时候说明一下自己的观点。

With the development of information technology, the number of Internet users has been sharply increasing, making friends on the internet has become more and more popular. But, in my opinion, friends in the virtual world couldnt be real and loyal friends. ⑵阐述网络交友可能带来的弊端,例如因为你无法鉴别正在与你聊天的人的身份,所以可能会出现欺骗行为,再一个,你们可能相隔上千英里,因为时间和空间的限制你们没办法随时随地地进行交流,所以无法成为真正的朋友。可以举例说明。

Making friends on the Internet has many disadvantages. Firstly, you cant identify the person you are talking with via the internet, under this circumstances, cheating behaviors can happen at any time. Secondly, maybe you are separated by thousands of miles, because of the limit of time and space, you cant communicate at anytime anywhere. ⑶可以从反面阐述一下现实生活中交友的好处。例如,通过朋友和同学认识的熟悉的人更加安全一点。而且距离也许没有那么远,你们可以随时见面等等。

Making friends in the real life has many advantages. First of all, making friends through your classmates or friends is safer than it in the virtual world. Whats more, you can meet each other momentarily.


It is better to make friends in real life.

4.本题针对目前大学生就业两种态度让大家展开讨论。一种是以NEET组织为代表,主张不就业,依靠父母,另一种是先工作,不论工作自己喜不喜欢。请说出你的观点。 ⑴现在文章开头简短说明一下这种现状,然后明确选择一种态度作为论点。

Nowadays the number of college graduates increase sharply. They all face the problem that should they stay at home living off their parents or should they take jobs that may not be so satisfactory. As far as I can see, college graduates should take jobs whether they like them or not. ⑵接下来写你持有该观点的原因。例如在我们工作的过程中我们可以获得工作经验而且我们可以认识更多的朋友,发展人际关系。最后一点也是最现实最重要的,工作可以拿到工资,可以让我们更加独立,有能力让父母过上更好的生活。理由空洞可以加上事例进行说明。 During we work ,we can gain working experience. During we work, we can develop relationship with others. Job can also bring us money, make us more independent,give us ability to make our parents live better.


5.生活就像一场旅行,充满了起起落落。生活的大多数时候都是艰难的。在这旅行的过程中,人们用自己的方式去迎接困难。有些人勇敢地接受面对它,在处理问题的痛苦和失落中成长得更加强大。而有些人却无作为,只是抱怨他们的不幸,他们的旅程就只能停滞不前了。你属于那种人呢?你是怎么对待你生活中遇到的问题和困难的呢?说出你的理由和事例。 ⑴这个题目当中提出了两个问题,那么我们在首段可以先回答一下第一个问题。当然我们应该选择积极的一面来作答。

William Shakespeare said Do not ,for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. I cant agree more. I will accept difficulties bravely , confront them with persistence, and then become stronger. According to me , a problem or failure is a crisis and also a chance to change, at least it can tell us what is wrong, just like a friend. Besides, from it, we can gain valuable experience.

⑵接下来回答第二个问题, 面对困难的表现,在这一段可以举一个具体的事例进行说明。 ⑶最后一段进一步阐述面对困难我们应该怎么做。

We should learn from problems so that we can not make the same mistakes twice. We should change our old thought which is proved wrong in the past. We should confront and find new ways to defeat the problem. We should be persistent with our dream bravely until success. ⑷最后再总结一下就可以了。

As the saying goes,Failure is the mother of success. Do what we can do and try what we cant do to realize your dream.


