小学英语 安徒生童话系列(八)the Bell-Deep钟渊阅读素材

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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《小学英语 安徒生童话系列(八)the Bell-Deep钟渊阅读素材》,欢迎阅读!

the Bell-Deep

by Hans Christian Andersen1857 ING-DONG ding-dong

It sounds up from the”bell-deep“ in the Odense-Au. Every child in the oldtown of Odense on the island of Funen knowsthe Au which washes the gardens round about thetown and flows on under the wooden bridges fromthe dam to the water-mill. In the Au grow the yellowwater-lilies and brown feathery reeds the darkvelvety flag grows there high and thick old anddecayed willows slanting and tottering hang far out over the stream beside the monk'smeadow and by the bleaching ground but opposite there are gardens upon gardens eachdifferent from the rest some with pretty flowers and bowers like little dolls' pleasuregrounds often displaying cabbage and other kitchen plants and here and there the gardenscannot be seen at all for the GREat elder trees that spread themselves out by the bank andhang far out over the streaming waters which are deeper here and there than an oar canfathom. Opposite the old nunnery is the deepest place which is called the ”bell-deep

andthere dwells the old water spirit the ”Au-mann.“ This spirit sleeps through the day while thesun shines down upon the water but in starry and moonlit nights he shows himself. He is veryold. Grandmother says that she has heard her own grandmother tell of him he is said to leada solitary life and to have nobody with whom he can converse save the great old church Bell.Once the Bell hung in the church tower but now there is no trace left of the tower or of thechurch which was called St. Alban's.

“Ding-dong ding-dong!” sounded the Bell when the tower still stood there and oneevening while the sun was setting and the Bell was swinging away bravely it broke looseand came flying down through the air the brilliant metal shining in the ruddy beam.

“Ding-dong ding-dong Now I'll retire to rest!” sang the Bell and flew down into theOdense-Au where it is deepest and that is why the place is called the “bell-deep.”

But the Bell got neither rest nor sleep. Down in the Au-mann's haunt it sounds and rings

so that the tones sometimes pierce upward through the waters and many people maintainthat its strains forebode the death of some one but that is not true for the Bell is onlytalking with the Au-mann who is now no longer alone.

And what is the Bell telling It is old very old as we have already observed it wasthere long before grandmother's grandmother was born and yet it is but a child incomparison with the Au-mann who is quite an old quiet personage an oddity with hishose of eel-skin and his scaly Jacket with the yellow lilies for buttons and a wreath of reedin his hair and seaweed in his beard but he looks very pretty for all that.

What the Bell tells To repeat it all would require years and days for year by year it istelling the old stories sometimes short ones sometimes long ones according to itswhim it tells of old times of the dark hard times thus

“In the church of St. Alban the monk had mounted up into the tower. He was young andhandsome but thoughtful exceedingly. He looked through the loophole out upon theOdense-Au when the bed of the water was yet broad and the monks' meadow was still alake. He looked out over it and over the rampart and over the nuns' hill opposite wherethe convent lay and the light gleamed forth from the nun's cell. He had known the nun rightwell and he thought of her and his heart beat quicker as he thought. Ding-dong ding-dong!”

Yes this was the story the Bell told.

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“Into the tower came also the dapper man-servant of the bishop and when I the Bell

who am made of metal rang hard and loud and swung to and fro I might have beaten outhis brains. He sat down close under me and played with two little sticks as if they had been astringed instrument and he sang to it. 'Now I may sing it out aloud though at other times Imay not whisper it. I may sing of everything that is kept concealed behind lock and bars.Yonder it is cold and wet. The rats are eating her up alive Nobody knows of it Nobody hearsof it Not even now for the bell is ringing and singing its loud Ding-dong ding-dong'

“there was a King in those days. They called him Canute. He bowed himself before bishopand monk but when he offended the free peasants with heavy taxes and hard words theyseized their weapons and put him to flight like a wild beast. He sought shelter in the church

and shut gate and door behind him. The violent band surrounded the church I heard tell ofit. The crows ravens and magpies started up in terror at the yelling and shouting thatsounded around. They flew into the tower and out again they looked down upon the throngbelow and they also looked into the windows of the church and screamed out aloud whatthey saw there. King Canute knelt before the altar in prayer his brothers Eric and Benedictstood by him as a guard with drawn swords but the King's servant the treacherousBlake betrayed his master. The throng in front of the church knew where they could hit theKing and one of them flung a stone through a pane of glass and the King lay there deadThe cries and screams of the savage horde and of the birds sounded through the air and Ijoined in it also for I sang 'Ding-dong ding-dong'

“the church bell hangs high and looks far around and sees the birds around it andunderstands their language. The wind roars in upon it through windows and

loopholes andthe wind knows everything for he gets it from the air which encircles all things and thechurch bell understands his tongue and rings it out into the world 'Ding-dong ding-dong'

“But it was too much for me to hear and to know I was not able any longer to ring it out.I became so tired so heavy that the beam broke and I flew out into the gleaming Au

where the water is deepest and where the Au-mann lives solitary and alone and year byyear I tell him what I have heard and what I know. Ding-dong ding-dong”

Thus it sounds complainingly out of the bell-deep in the Odense-Au. That is whatgrandmother told us.

But the schoolmaster says that there was not any bell that rung down there for that itcould not do so and that no Au-mann dwelt yonder for there was no Au-mann at all Andwhen all the other church bells are sounding sweetly he says that it is not really the bells thatare sounding but that it is the air itself which sends forth the notes and grandmother saidto us that the Bell itself said it was the air who told it to him consequently they are aGREedon that point and this much is sure.

“Be cautious cautious and take good heed to thyself,” they both say.

the air knows everything. It is around us it is in us it talks of our thoughts and of ourdeeds and it speaks longer of them than does the Bell down in the depths of the Odense-Auwhere the Au-mann dwells. It rings it out in the vault of heaven far far out forever andever till the heaven bells sound “Ding-dong ding-dong!”

“叮噹!叮噹!”奥登斯钟渊那边传来了清脆的声音——是一条甚么样的河?——奥登斯城的孩子们个个都知道,它绕着花园流过,从木桥下边,经过水闸流到水磨。河里生长着黄色的水浮莲,带棕色绒毛的芦2 / 3

