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,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。send的用法总结send意思vt. ,使作出(某种反应),派遣,使进入(某状态)vt. vi. 用无线电波发送,发出信息vi. 派遣,发出,派人adj. [仅用作定语]用于发送的变形:过去式: sent; 现在分词:sending; 过去分词:sent;send用法send可以用作动词send的基本意思是;

打发,指通过某人或某种手段把东西送给某人或送到某目的地。也可作用无线电波发送”“使猛然或迅速移动”“发出信息等解。用于比喻, send还可作使兴奋,使激动”“施与,赐给解。send也可用作使役动词,使处于”“使变得解。send用作动词的用法例句You are now ready to send messages.现在你可以可以发送消息了。Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world.北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。Ill send someone to show you around.我派人带你到周围转转。send用作动词的用法例句I think we need to send out for the missing lamb.我想我们得派个人去找那头迷路的小羊羔。I want to send away for some books I need.我想发函购买我需要的一些书籍。The radio operator was still sending when the ship went

down.当船沉没时无线电操作人员仍在发送消息send用法例句1I want to send a telegram. Fine, to whom?“我想发份电

报。”——“好的,发给谁?”2For more details about these products, send

a postcard marked HB/FF.要了解这些产品的详细信息,请寄来标明HB/FF字样的明信片。3Come on, Bill. Send Tom a card and make his day.来吧,比尔。给汤姆寄张卡片让他高兴高兴吧。飞鸽传书:send有几种用法?If an earthquake levels a city, people all over the world will send

emergency supplies. This is so fundamentally human that its found in every

culture without exception.——The Martian火车出事故了,人们会排着队去献血。有城市被地震夷为平地,全世界的人都会输送应急物资。这是基本的人性,全球各地无一例外,都是这样。——《火星救援》一、下面我们来看看send有几种含义v.1.发送,I use it to send E-mails and get information.我用它发送电子邮件,获取信息2.派遣,打发;使进(学校等)They sent agents to agitate the local people.他们派遣情报人员煽动当地的民众。3.发射;发出;长出(+out/forth)The distressed ship sent up a flare.遇难的轮船发射了一枚信号弹。4.传递;转达They send the message via the courier.他们通过信使传递信息。二、你知道send和哪些词更搭吗?send awayv.发送,派遣,驱逐,解雇send backphr. 送回,发回,退回send down使下降,...向下发送send for1.请某人来(帮忙等) 2.让人带来(或送来)某物send in呈送,递交;送评,送展send on预送,转送三、最后,做个填词游戏She _____ the kids to bed early.她早早打发孩子们上床睡觉。发消息的英文不一定是send a message?在不同的情况下,send a message可以有不同的含义。#1

