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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《promoter(职业拳击承办人)》,欢迎阅读!
Who Killed Benny Paret?

By Norman Cousins

Sometime about 1935 or 1936 I had an interview with Mike Jacobs, the prizefight promoter(职业拳击承办人). I was a fledgling(初出茅庐的) newspaper reporter at that time; my beat采访范围)was education, but during the vacation season I found myself on varied assignments, all the way from ship news to sports reporting. In this way I found myself sitting opposite the most powerful figure in the boxing world.

There was nothing spectacular in Mr. Jacobs' manner or appearance; but when he spoke about prizefights, he was no longer a bland(温顺的)little man but a colossus(巨人)who sounded the way Napoleon must have sounded when he reviewed a battle. You knew you were listening to Number One. His saying something made it true. We discussed what to him was the only important element in successful promoting how to please the crowd. So far as he was concerned, there was no mystery to it. You put killers in the ring and the people filled your arena竞技场). You hire boxing artists men who are adroit擅长)at feinting, parrying, weaving, jabbing, and dancing, but who don't pack dynamite(威力) in their fists and you wind up counting your empty seats. So you searched for the killers and sluggers(猛击者) and maulers(击伤对手者) fellows who could hit with the force of a baseball bat.

I asked Mr. Jacobs if he was speaking literally when he said people came out to see the killer.

"They don't come out to see a tea party," he said evenly. "They come out to see the knockout . They come out to see a man hurt. If they think anything else, they're kidding themselves."

Recently a young man by the name of Benny Paret was killed in the ring. The killing was seen by millions; it was on television. In the twelfth round he was hit hard in the head several times, went down, was counted out, and never came out of the coma(昏迷).

The Paret fight produced a flurry(一连串的)of investigations. Governor Rockefeller was shocked by what happened and appointed a committee to assess the responsibility. The New York State Boxing Commission decided to find out what was wrong. The District Attorney's地方检察官)office expressed its concern. One question that was solemnly studied in all three probes调查concerned the action of the referee(裁判). Did he act in time to stop the fight? Another question had to do with the role of the examining doctors who certified(核证)the physical fitness of the fighters before the bout (比赛). Still another question involved Mr. Paret's manager; did he rush his boy into the fight without adequate time to recuperate(恢复)from the previous one? In short, the investigators looked into every possible cause except the real one. Benny Paret was killed because the human fist delivers enough impact, when directed against the head, to produce a massive hemorrhage(大出血)in the brain. The human brain is the most delicate and complex mechanism(机件)in all creation. It has a

lacework of millions of highly fragile nerve connections. Nature attempts to protect this exquisitely intricate(精妙的)machinery by encasing it in a hard shell. Fortunately, the shell is thick enough to withstand a great deal of pounding. Nature, however, can protect man against everything except man himself. Not every blow to the head will kill a man but there is always the risk of concussion(冲击震荡)and damage to the brain. A prizefighter may be able to survive even repeated brain concussions and go on fighting, but the damage to his brain may be permanent.

In any event, it is futile(无用的)to investigate the referee's role and seek to determine whether he should have intervened to stop the fight earlier. This is not where the primary responsibility lies. The primary responsibility lies with the people who pay to see a man hurt. The referee who stops a fight too soon from the crowd's viewpoint can expect to be booed(被嘘). The crowd wants the knockout; it wants to see a man stretched out on the canvas(拳击台上的帆布). This is the supreme moment in boxing. It is nonsense to talk about prizefighting as a test of boxing skills. No crowd was ever brought to its feet screaming and cheering at the sight of two men beautifully dodging and weaving out of each other's jabs. The time the crowd comes alive is when a man is hit hard over the heart or the head, when his mouthpiece(护齿)flies out, when blood squirts out of his nose or eyes, when he wobbles摇晃)under the attack and his pursuer continues to smash at him with poleax impact .

Don't blame it on the referee. Don't even blame it on the fight managers. Put the blame where it belongs on the prevailing mores(盛行的社会风气)that regard prize-fighting as a perfectly proper enterprise(企业)and vehicle of entertainment. No one doubts that many people enjoy prizefighting and will miss it if it should be thrown out. And that is precisely the point.

feinting 佯攻 parrying 格档

weaving 不断移动身体以迷惑对方或避开来拳 jabbing 猛击对手

dancing 依靠步法进行躲闪而很少主动进攻 knockout 由于一方被击到而结束比赛 with poleax impact 以屠斧的冲击力

Now, can you answer the question: Who killed Benny Paret?

Boule de suif 羊脂球 (Ball of Fat by Maupassant 莫泊桑)

Boule de suif, dans la hâte et l'effarement de son lever, n'avait pu songer à rien; et elle regardait, exaspée, suffoquant de rage, tous ces gens qui mangeaient placidement. Une colère tumultueuse la crispa d'abord, et elle ouvrit la bouche pour leur crier leur fait avec un flot d'injures qui lui montait aux lèvres; mais elle ne pouvait pas parler tant l'exaspération l'étranglait.

羊脂球原是匆匆忙忙慌里慌张起的床,什么也没有想到;看见这些人若无其事的吃着东西,不觉气愤填膺,憋得喘不过气来。她先是一阵狂怒,张开嘴准备把他们好好教训一顿,一大堆辱骂的话已经用到嘴边;可是她说不出来,恼火是那样强烈,竟锁住了她的嗓门。 Personne ne la regardait, ne songeait à elle. Elle se sentait noyée dans le mépris de ces gredins honnêtes qui l'avaient sacrifiéd d'abord, rejetée ensuite, comme une chose malpropre et inutile. Alors elle songea à son grand panier tout plein de bonnes choses qu'ils avaient goulûment dévorées, à ses deux poulets luisants de gelée, à ses pâtes, à ses poires, à ses quatre bouteilles de Bordeaux; et sa fureur tombant soudain, comme une corde trop tendue qui casse, elle se sentit prête à pleurer.

没有一个人看她,没有一个人想到她。她觉得自己淹没在这些正直的恶棍的轻蔑里;他们先是把他当作牺牲品,然后又想抛弃一件肮脏无用的东西似的把她抛掉。她于是想起了她那只装满好东西的大篮子,他们是那样贪婪的把他吞个精光;她想起了她那两只冻的亮晶晶的小鸡,他那些肉酱、梨子,她那四瓶波尔多红葡萄酒;这是她的怒气,好像一根绳子绷得太紧绷断了 似的,反倒平息下去;她觉得想哭一场。

(The English version is not available. You are encouraged to read the short story in Chinese, which is very in evident in our library.)

