【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《ted演讲的观后感3篇》,欢迎阅读!
《这一次是TED演唱,因为演讲真的很恐怖!》观后感 一个天生口吃的女孩,站在TED的讲台上,她要说她的故事,唱她的歌。这令我感触不少。
人有天生的差别,只是差别而已,不是差距。很多客观的、现实的因素,我们无法改变。我们能做的就是找到“上帝给我们开的那一扇窗”,并好好利用这扇窗。如果,你是一个有心人,你能透过这扇窗观看整个世界,也能让世界发现你的存在。而有些幸运的人,即使上帝给他们开了很多门,或许他们也从未走到门外去看看外面的世界。因为他们已经拥有很多门,足以看到许多风景,何必到外面经历没有屋檐的漂泊。所以,透过门看到的世界,不一定就比透过窗看到的世界更精彩。 我又想起美国诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的《未选择的路》“黄色的林子里有两条路,很遗憾我无法同时选择两者。”不管一个人年轻的时候有多少选择的机会,最终我们只能走一条路。而且,至于另外一条未选择的路,几乎从此就无缘再见。不管多年我们如何叹息,我们只能选择一条路,而且我们这一生已经被自己选择的路改变了。另一条,只是遗憾,它也不一定就比我们选择的路更迷人。所以,不管是给定的路,还是能选择的路,过后都会或多或少留下遗憾。因为,一切没能经历的,错过的事,都会让我们怀念。假如当时我选择了另外一条路,或者我可以选择另外一条路??
再说一下这场演讲《这一次是TED演唱,因为演讲真的很恐怖!》主角Megan Washington,这个和我们有一点不同的女孩。她从小口吃,却发现唱歌能让她流畅地表达自己。她选择了唱歌,唱歌成就了她。来到TED讲台上,她没有用她培训过的“Smooth Talking”来做一场完美的演讲,即使她能够这样,也没有刻意的取乐观众。她让一个真实的自己显现在观众面前。我从她的眼神中,看到坦然、平静和坚定。 看完她的TED演讲,我搜到她唱歌的一些图片,和她的演讲一样,没有太多做出来的成分,一样的自我,或者忘我于她的音乐,她的内心情感。还有她的歌曲也如她本人一样,没有夸张表演,没有声嘶力竭的呐喊,好似平静的诉说,诉说她的期盼和隐忍。
正如她在演讲结尾时所说的“这不是TED演讲,是TED演唱”,好吧,我们可以这样站到世界的舞台上,让世界看到真实的自己。做自己吧,做到极致,世界都会认可你。 ted演讲的观后感篇二:TED演讲感想
After watching 10 TED videos, I found this—More Stuff, Less Fun is very interesting. Mostly it’s because the speaker use multiply ways to make his speech appealing. I would like to break down this video by using the following points.
Opening: Interesting one, rise a question at first to increase the audience’s interest. He caught people’s eyes in the first 15 seconds.
Point: He used a symbol “ = ” to represent “less equals more” is a pretty good move.
Evidence: Using his house design as an example to convince people less equals more. Listing things you needed under multiplecircumstances to make us realize that we don’t need that much
stuff. Showing multifunctional spaces and housewares to make us believe it’s possible. Reasoning: Begin with the problems normal American’s are facing: too many stuff. As a country whose 73% of GDP is come from consuming, overloaded stuffs has led to debts, less environmental friendly and stress. Then he presented his point as a solution to this problem. He encouraged people to edit their stuff ruthlessly and showed it’s also possible that demands can be met with few things in our house. As a designer, he also presented a few designs that make the house
comfortable and simple at the same time. At the end, he summarizes the speech and stresses his points: Make Room for the Good Stuff.
Assistance: Using extremely-brief style PPT to support his idea of simple. He controlled the PPT, not the other way around.
The philosopher Stephen Cavebegin begin with a dark and compelling question: when did you first realized that he would die? Then he discusses the people to resist the inevitability of death, tells the story of four across various civilizations for the processing of death. So that we can deal with fear of death. The fear of death is not rational,but over this bias is not easy because the fear of death is so deeply embedded in us. And when we see that the fear is not rational and when we can bring it out in the open, then we could start to try minimize the influence it has on our lives.