
2022-04-05 09:04:16   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《精选清明节英语作文-清明节的来历》,欢迎阅读!

The origin of the festival, reportedly began in ancient emperors "held a memorial service" of the ceremony, and later also with civil society to emulate, to this day worship graves, ancient lineage and become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. Originally, the Cold Food Festival and the Qingming Festival are two different festivals, to the Tang Dynasty, the day of worship grave as the Cold Food Festival. Hansik correct day is at one hundred and five days after the winter solstice, about before Tomb Sweeping Festival, because the two days of similar, so they put the Cold Food Qingming and merged into one day. To the Emperor, the edict set Hanshi grave as "Five Rites" one time, so every festival came, grave became important social customs.

Because of China's vast areas were clear and bright in day worship, grave, Camping customs, evolved into the Chinese to grave, ancestor worship and other forms of commemoration of a Chinese traditional festival, in mid-spring and late spring and summer, usually after the winter solstice 106 Days after the Cold Food Festival day. Grave events in renewable after about ten days before the holiday.

Ching Ming is one of the twenty-four solar terms in China. Qingming if calculated according to the lunar calendar, with no fixed date, namely the year is 106 days after the winter solstice Qingming; calculated according to the Gregorian calendar in the April 4 or 5 days (with flat or leap year, February and differences), the sun reaches 15 degrees of longitude, Qingming began. At this time, most of the warm climate, trees withered winter is over, lush, full of a

vibrant spring scene. Qingming arrives, temperatures rise, it is an excellent spring spring planting season, so there is "before Tomb Sweeping Festival, you reap what you sow beans," "afforestation, none other than the Ching Ming," the Nongyan. "Qingming" word, according to Chen Yuan Liang Song "at the age of widely credited" and said "Qingming persons, that was born pure Ming Jie." Qingming Festival, sunny, birds are flying long grass, and leaves pink, yellow cold winter scene change, a clean earth Ming-jie. Liu Han Dynasty as the "Huainan" wrote "After the fifteenth day of the vernal equinox ...... plus Qingming wind to." When said here,

"Qingming wind to" the positive spring in March, so there is "March festival," he said. "I asked one hundred years old," a book has to do to explain "At this point things grow, are clean and bright and clean, so that the clear and bright." Visible, in which the festival is by its seasonal in temperature, light, rain various superb name.

However, as the Qingming festival, with sheer Feasts are different. Throttle is the phenological changes, signs of seasonal order, and the festival contains a certain amount of customs activities and commemoration. Ching Ming is one of China's traditional festivals, is the most important festival of sacrifice, is the day of worship and grave. Until today, the Ching Ming Festival to worship ancestors, deceased

relatives mourn customs still prevail. Therefore, the state through legislation, the festival included a statutory holiday.





“清明”两字,根据宋代陈元靓的《岁时广记》中所说:“清明者,谓物生清净明洁”。清明时节,风和日丽,莺飞草长,柳绿桃红,改变冬季寒冷枯黄景象,大地一片清净明洁。汉代刘安所着《淮南子》中写到:“春分后……加十五日则清明风至”。这里说的“清明风至”之时正值阳春三月,所以有“三月节”之称。《岁时百问》一书也曾做解释:“万物生长此时,皆清洁而明净,故谓之清明”。可见,清明节是由它所处的时令,在气温、光照、降雨各方面俱佳而得名。 但是,清明作为节日,与纯粹的节气又有所不同。节气是我国物候变化、时令顺序的标志,而节日则包含着一定的风俗活动和某种纪念意义。清明节是我国传统节日之一,也是最重要的祭祀节日,是祭祖和扫墓的日子。直到今天,清明节祭拜祖先,悼念已逝的亲人的习俗仍很盛行。所以,国家通过立法,将清明节纳入法定的节假日。

