
2023-03-24 10:30:12   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《译林版英语九年级下册第二单元知识点》,欢迎阅读!
9B Uni2 知识点讲义

1.inventor n 发明者,发明家 an inventor the greatest inventor in history invent v invent my favourite food 发明了我最喜爱的食物

invention n 发明,创造 create over 1000 inventions 创造了1000多项发明

(survivor, actor, director, collector, visitor)

2.explorer n 探险者,考察者 an explorer

explore v 探索,探讨 explore outer space 探索太空

3.fighter n 斗士,战斗者,战斗机 a fighter for the rights of black Africans

fight v 打架,为而战 fight-fought-fought fight for freedom 为自由而战 n 打架 have a fight with sb 与某人打了一架

4. Asia Africa Europe America Italy Russia England France Asian African European American Italian Russian English French

Germany China Japan Australia

German Chinese Japanese Australian 5.pilot n 飞行员 licence (license) n 执照,许可照 Eg :He received his student pilot’s licence when he was 16. 16岁时拿到了他的飞机学员执照 6. navy n 海军 join the navy 加入海军 7.serve vi. vt.服役,服务,招待

serve sb serve the people heart and soul. 全心全意为人民服务 serve as a pilot 作为一名飞行员服务 service n. 服务 be in service

8.test v 测试,测验 test all types of aircraft 测试各种类型的飞机

n 检验 测试 pass the test

9.astronaunt n 宇航员 be chosen to become an astronaut 被选为一名宇航员 10. spacecraft (单复同) 宇宙飞船,航天器

manage to join two spacecraft together for the first time 成功将两个航天器交会对接 11. spin v 快速旋转(spin- spun/span -spun begin spinning 开始旋转 12.control n 控制 out of control 失去控制,无法管理

v 控制 (control- controlled -controlled , controlling )

13.order n 命令,指挥,要求

receive the order to cut the flight short 收到缩短航程的命令 v 命令 order sb. (not) to do sth. 命令某人(不)做某事 14.the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 the Indian Ocean 印度洋 the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋 the Atlantic (Ocean) 大西洋 15. land vi vt (使)着落,(使)降落

land safely 安全降落 land the spacecraft on the Moon n 陆地 on land 在陆地上


16.step n 一步

Eg: One small step for (a) man , one giant leap for mankind. ()人的一小步,人类的一大步。 vi 走,跨步 (step-stepped) step out onto 跨出去到.上面 17.surface n 表面,表层 the Moons surface 月球的表面

18. further far-farther /further-farthest/furthest adj 更多的,更进一步的 go abroad for further study 出国进修

take back to the Earth for further research 返回地球做更深的研究 19.citizen n 公民,市民 a US citizen

20.pride n 骄傲,可引以为豪的人(或物) the pride of the whole world 全世界的骄傲 proud adj be proud of 而自豪 We are proud of our country. 21.passage n 章节,乐段 read a passage 22. by hand 手工 wash their clothes by hand

23.mathematics (maths) n 数学 study Mathematics and Physics at a university 24.scientist n 科学 marry a French scientist 25.radium n discover radium in their laboratory 26. professor n 教授 Professor Wang 王教授 27.discovery n 发现,发现物 the discovery of radium 28.unknown adj 未知的,不出名的

Eg: It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time . 他很勇敢,到一个当时人类未知的地方去。

29.widely adv 广泛地,普遍地 be widely used in hospitals 被广泛应用于医院 30.hybrid adj 杂交的 begin research into hybrid rice 开始杂交水稻的研究 31 agriculture n 农业 work as a teacher in an agriculture school 32.hunger n 饥饿 see people die of hunger 看到人们死于饥饿 33.happen to do sth 碰巧做某事 sth happen to sb

34.advantage n 优势i,有利条件 have many advantages over others比起其他有许多优点 disadvantage 劣势 35.increase vt 增加

increase by+数字 表示具体数量增加 increase in 表示在某方面增加 increase to …….增加到…….. increase with ……增长

36.production n 生产,产量 increase rice production 增加水稻产量 37.development n development of better rice plants 发展更优良水稻植物的发展 develop v develop a good reading habit 培养好的阅读习惯

adj developed countries 发达国家 developing countries 发展中国家


