
2022-03-21 06:54:37   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《每日一句影视地道英语口语102》,欢迎阅读!

别多管闲事”在英语口语里能怎么说? 初级口语:none of your business 地道口语:mind your own beeswax 口语来源:《绯闻女孩》 剧情引导:


bree you know, my roommate and i didn't see eye to eye at first, so one night i bought ice cream cone cupcakes from the treats truck, and we bonded. she taught me how to say "hello" in swahili. jambo.

blair aw. do you happen to know what the swahili is for "mind your own beeswax"? no reason, of course. it just might be useful someday on safari.chuck blair, come on. so, bree, you went home last week?

bree yeah. tried to mend the i'm dating-a-van-der-bilt-fence. it didn't work. we're southern, so family loyalty's really big down there.

blair like slavery. what? i'm joking. you know i'm joking, right, bree?

nate so what's serena doing? she still dating baizen, or she come to her senses yet?

bree carter baizen? is he in town? i, i heard he was away on business.

blair he is. traveling is so important. bree, have you ever thought about traveling... somewhere very far away? chuck i wasn't aware you knew carter.

bree yeah. our families used to vacation together on sea island. i've been trying to track him down. you guys mind if i order for the table?

nate she was in shanghai last year. 【台词翻译】

bree 话说我和我室友一开始也看不对眼,后来有天晚上我从

treats truck买了冰激凌蛋筒跟她分享之后,我们就变得要好了。她有教我用斯瓦希里语说"你好"哦。jambo.blair 嗷。那你知不知道"别多管闲事"用斯瓦希里语怎么说么?当然不是针对你哈,说不定出去旅游用得上。

chuck blair,别这样。bree,听说你上周回家了?

bree 是啊。要跟他们解释下我和van-der-bilt在约会的事儿,不过无济于事啦。我们南方人嘛,家族的忠实度很要紧的。

blair 就跟奴隶制一样诶。怎么了?我开玩笑嘛。你知道我仅仅开玩笑的是吧,bree?

nate 那么s最近怎么样?她还在和baizen同进同出是吧,还没想明白么?

bree carter baizen么?他在这里啊?我以为他出公务去了。 blair 他确实去了。旅行很重要的。bree你有想过出去旅行......到很远很远的地方去?

chuck 不知道你还理解carter啊。

bree 理解啊。以前我们两家人一起在海岛上度假的。我还在想他最近怎么样呢。不介意我来点餐吧?nate 她去年去了上海的。 【口语讲解】mind your own beeswax

这个词组就等于mind your own business,意思是别多管闲事。mind your own beeswax是比较古老的一说法,据说在18世纪,女性会在脸上抹蜂蜡遮盖痘印。(really?!)如果坐得离壁炉太近的话,脸上的蜂蜡就会化掉。别人好心提醒的时候,就会有人很不客气地回敬说:“你管好你自己脸上的就行了!”

